What was the percentage of the Scottish referendum?

What was the percentage of the Scottish referendum?

2014 Scottish independence referendum

Response Votes %
No 2,001,926 55.30%
Valid votes 3,619,915 99.91%
Invalid or blank votes 3,429 0.09%
Total votes 3,623,344 100.00%

Do people support Scottish independence?

Voters were asked: “Should Scotland be an independent country?” 44.7 percent of voters answered “Yes” and 55.3 percent answered “No”, with a record voter turnout of 85 percent.

How popular is Welsh independence?

These polls often found that between 10 and 20% of Welsh people desire independence from the United Kingdom.

Does Wales want independence from the UK?

These polls often found that between 10 and 20% of Welsh people desire independence from the United Kingdom. A 2001 survey for the Institute of Welsh Affairs found that 11% of people polled favoured independence.

What was the result of the 2014 Scottish independence referendum?

Polls in the run-up to the referendum vote showed a closing of the gap, with one poll giving the Yes campaign a 51–49 lead. In the referendum, on 18 September 2014, Scotland voted against independence by 55.3% to 44.7%, with an overall turnout of 84.6%.

Do Scots want full independence or devolution?

During the late 1970s and 1980s, MORI conducted opinion polls on whether Scots wanted full independence, devolution or the status quo. During this period, devolution was the preferred option in each opinion poll, although support for independence increased.

How likely was a high turnout in the 2014 EU referendum?

A poll by Survation in April 2014 suggested that a high turnout in the referendum would be likely: 75% of respondents indicated that they were certain to vote in the referendum, compared to 63% for the next United Kingdom general election.

Should Scotland’s independence affect Wales?

A poll on the same subject in June 2014 found that 61% of Welsh voters thought Scottish independence should make no difference to the constitutional position of Wales, while 17% favoured greater devolved powers and 14% supported independence for Wales.


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