How many times can you retake NBEO Part 3?

How many times can you retake NBEO Part 3?

Outside of 30 days before exam date: Candidates may reschedule their exam without incurring any rescheduling fees 31 or more days before the scheduled exam date. Candidates are allowed to reschedule their exam date a maximum of 5 times without incurring any rescheduling fee.

How long does NBEO Part 3 take?

The Part III – Clinical Skills Examination (CSE) is a practical exam comprised of 19 clinical skills, assessed during a 3.75-hour session and involving actual patients. Described in this document are the clinical assessments that are to be performed at each of the four stations.

Where is NBEO Part 3?

Charlotte, North Carolina
Welcome to the National Center of Clinical Testing in Optometry (NCCTO®) located in Charlotte, North Carolina, the headquarters of the National Board of Examiners in Optometry® (NBEO). Our testing center offers the Part III CSE®, ISE®, LSPE™, and select OSLE® examinations.

What is a passing score NBEO?

A score of 300 represents the overall pass-fail cutoff score. The use of scaled scores allows for direct comparison of scores from one examination administration to another because the passing standard is always the same — a scaled score of 300. Sections and special examinations are reported on a 0 to 99 scale.

What are affective skills on NBEO Part 3?

Affective Skills: interacting with the SP in an organized, professional, and empathetic demeanor. Psychomotor Skills: performing the physical tasks of the various skills in a proficient and efficient manner. Clinical Observation & Reporting Skills: accurately reporting your obtained findings.

How do I reschedule my NBEO 3?

Candidates may reschedule their exam without incurring any rescheduling fees 30 or more days before their scheduled exam date. This change can be done online by accessing your NBEO account clicking here.

What does NBEO stand for?


Acronym Definition
NBEO National Board of Examiners in Optometry

What is NBEO exam?

The parts are meant to test the full range of your abilities as an optometrist, from your communication skills to your cognitive abilities. …

How much is NBEO?

Exam Fees

NBEO Examination Examination Fee
Part I ABS $985
Part II PAM $985
Part III CSE $985
TMOD $450

How many times can you take NBEO Part 2?

Six-Time Limit – NBEO.


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