What are the most common sites for drawing blood samples?

What are the most common sites for drawing blood samples?

Relevant Anatomy. The median cubital and cephalic veins are preferred for blood sampling, but other arm and hand veins may be used.

What veins are an acceptable alternative for venipuncture?

The median cubital vein is the vein of choice because it is anchored better and more easily accessed the cephalic and basilic veins. iii. Wrist and hand veins are also acceptable alternative venipuncture sites.

What sites should be used to collect capillary blood?

The finger is usually the preferred site for capillary testing in an adult patient. The sides of the heel are only used in paediatric and neonatal patients. Ear lobes are sometimes used in mass screening or research studies.

Where can you draw blood from?

The most appropriate site to draw blood is selected based on vessel accessibility, patient age, and health status. Usually, the antecubital area, where the elbow bends, is used to access the median cubital vein.

What is order of draw in phlebotomy?

The recommended order of draw for plastic collection tubes is: First – blood culture bottle or tube (yellow or yellow-black top) Second – coagulation tube (light blue top). If just a routine coagulation assay is the only test ordered, then a single light blue top tube may be drawn.

What are the 3 most common veins used in phlebotomy?

The most site for venipuncture is the antecubital fossa located in the anterior elbow at the fold. This area houses three veins: the cephalic, median cubital, and basilic veins (Figure 1).

What are the common skin puncture sites?

puncture site. Recommended skin puncture sites are the finger for adult patients and older children and the heel for infants and younger children.

In what order should evacuated tubes be drawn?

Standard order of draw: BLOOD CULTURES, royal blue, red, light blue, SST (Gold), green, tan, yellow, pink, pearl, lavender. If a coag tube (light blue) is the only tube or the first tube to be drawn, a 5 mL discard tube must be drawn first.

Which vein is used for phlebotomy?

Of these, the median cubital vein is usually the vein of choice for phlebotomy: It is typically more stable (less likely to roll), it lies more superficially, and the skin overlying it is less sensitive than the skin overlying the other veins. Antecubital veins, right arm.

What is included in this chapter on safe phlebotomy?

This chapter covers all the steps recommended for safe phlebotomy and reiterates the accepted principles for blood drawing and blood collection (31). The chapter includes background information (Section 2.1), practical guidance (Section 2.2) and illustrations (Section 2.3) relevant to best practices in phlebotomy.

Where is the best place to do a venipuncture?

The most commonly used site for a venipuncture is at the bend of the elbow, also called the antecubital fossa. Cephalic Vein. Basilic Vein. Dorsal Metacarpal Veins. Furthermore, what veins are an acceptable alternative for venipuncture? 1.

Can a phlebotomist draw blood from the upper arm?

Still, phlebotomists need to be careful when drawing blood in this area, because of the biceps tendon and the brachial artery that lies just below the median cubital vein, and poses a major health risk when punctured deeply. This superficial vein runs under the skin on the outer side of the upper arm and lower arm, shown in both forearm and arm.

Should health workers be formally trained in phlebotomy?

Groups of health workers who historically are not formally trained in phlebotomyshould be encouraged to take up such training; lax infection prevention and control practices result in poor safety for staff and risk to patients (20, 37).


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