What is the reader configuration file for oscam?
What is the reader configuration file for oscam?
The server configuration file for OSCam contains reader parameters. Sections in oscam.server are recurring (more than one reader possible). At least one [reader] section is required. Examples for reader configuation you will find here example configurations
Does oscam automatically clock the card with the ATR?
If only the parameter cardmhz is set (without mhz = xxx) then Oscam clocks the card automatically with the ATR! E.G. You have a dream 800 HD PVR, thats a mips so you should set cardmhz to 2700. We got a nagra card that should run on 5 MHz. If you want to clock the card ok just use cardmhz = 2700 an mhz = 500.
What are the requirements for an oscam request to be allowed?
This requires a oscam.services be present. The logic here is as follows (in this order): If the field is empty (or invalid), the request is allowed. When a negative service (ie, those with “!”) is applicable, the request is rejected. If a positive service is applicable or there is no positive service, the request is allowed.
What is the best cardmhz setting for oscam?
The used cardmhz should reflect the highest frequency of the PLL crystal in the internal cardreader. OSCam will calculate the best PLL divider that comes nearest to the wanted user card speed specified in cardmhz. Use the following settings: Models with PPC-CPU (DM500/DM600/DM7000/DM7020) use “cardmhz = 3150”
How to install oscam on the VU+ decoder under Egami 8?
Here is a tutorial on the installation and configuration of OScam on the Vu+ decoder under EGAMI 8.X. For this tutorial you need. Password: “empty” by default the root password in EGAMI is empty (no password) Select the ipk file and drag between the two windows to the /tmp folder. 2. Copy of the OSCam subscription