What is mental health consumer rights?

What is mental health consumer rights?

(15) Mental health consumers have the right to access assessment, support, care, treatment, rehabilitation and services that facilitate or support recovery and wellbeing on an equal basis with others.

What rights does the mental health Act protect?

The act is designed to protect the rights of people with mental health problems, and to ensure that they are only admitted to hospital against their will when it is absolutely essential to ensure their well-being or safety, or for the protection of other people.

How does the Human Rights Act help those with mental health?

How does the Human Rights Act protect people with mental health problems? If you have a mental health problem, the Human Rights Act means you should be treated with dignity and respect by staff and service providers. Mental health, social services and emergency services staff must comply with your human rights.

What is the Charter of mental health care principles?

The Charter of Mental Health Care Principles is a rights-based set of principles that mental health services must make every effort to comply with in providing treatment, care and support to people experiencing mental illness.

What act does consent come under?

Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014: Regulation 11. The intention of this regulation is to make sure that all people using the service, and those lawfully acting on their behalf, have given consent before any care or treatment is provided.

What is the Mental Health Act 2014 WA?

The mental health law in Western Australia is the Mental Health Act (2014). It relates to: when a person can be provided with mental health treatment. when a person can be made an involuntary patient on an inpatient treatment order or a community treatment order.

What is the Charter of Rights for mental health?

Charter of Rights The Charter of Rights makes sure everyone who experiences mental health issues is treated equally and has access to high quality health care and social services. More information is available in the following links: ACT Charter of Rights for people who experience mental health issues

What is the Act Mental Health Consumer Network?

The ACT Mental Health Consumer Network is a consumer-led peak organisation representing the interests of mental health consumers in the ACT in policy and decision-making forums. The Network is committed to social justice and the inclusion of people with experience of mental illness.

What is the Act Mental Health Act 2015?

The ACT Mental Health Act 2015 sets out the laws that apply to the assessment, treatment, care or support of people who experience a mental illness or disorder. You can access the Mental Health Act 2015 on the ACT Legislation website.

What is a mental health consumer?

A mental health consumer is anyone who has lived experience of a mental illness or mental health problem. In this context this includes, but is not limited to, people who identify as having lived experience of anxiety, depression, substance use issues, personality disorder and post traumatic disorder.


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