What is normal range of wrist?

What is normal range of wrist?

Normal Range of Motion Reference Values

Typical Range of Motion
Elbow Extension/Flexion 0/145
Wrist Extension/Flexion 70/75
Radial\Ulnar 20/35
Thumb basal joint Palmar Adduction/Abduction Contact/45

What is normal wrist flexion?

Being able to flex your wrist 75 to 90 degrees is considered normal wrist flexion.

What is normal pronation and supination?

Supination and pronation occur as the radius rotates around an axis of rotation that travels from the radial head to the ulnar head (see Fig. From this position, 85 degrees of supination and 75 degrees of pronation normally occur.

What is functional wrist range of motion?

The normal functional range of wrist motion is 5 degrees of flexion, 30 degrees of extension, 10 degrees of radial deviation, and 15 degrees of ulnar deviation.

What is forearm pronation?

Supination and pronation are terms used to describe the up or down orientation of your hand, arm, or foot. When your palm or forearm faces up, it’s supinated. When your palm or forearm faces down, it’s pronated. Pronation means that when you walk, your weight tends to be more on the inside of your foot.

What is functional wrist flexion?

A triaxial electrogoniometer was used to measure functional wrist motion. The normal functional range of wrist motion is 5 degrees of flexion, 30 degrees of extension, 10 degrees of radial deviation, and 15 degrees of ulnar deviation.

What is the normal range for forearm pronation?

Normal Range of Motion

Typical Range of Motion
Elbow Extension/Flexion 0/145
Forearm Pronation/Supination 70/85
Wrist Extension/Flexion 70/75
Radial\Ulnar 20/35

What joint does pronation occur?

proximal radioulnar joint
Pronation and supination are movements that occur at the proximal radioulnar joint. The head of the radius is discoid and fits with the radial neck within the circular annular ligament, that attaches the proximal radius to the ulna.

What is the normal range of wrist ulnar deviation?

Wrist Ulnar Deviation

Test Position Normal Range
Subject sitting with forearm resting on table Stabilize forearm to prevent pronation or supination 35° ± 3.8° (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons) 30° (American Medical Association) 36.0° (mean) 3.8° (standard deviation), (Boone and Azen)


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