What is OFDM and DSSS?

What is OFDM and DSSS?

DSSS is used to provide support for 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps data rate. CCK for 5.5 and 11 Mbps while OFDM is used for higher data rate applications. OFDM is used in IEEE 802.11a, 11g, 11n, 11ac and 11ad versions. OFDM is employed along with MIMO to increase the data rate further.

What is FHSS DSSS and OFDM?

(FHSS) Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) Orthogonal Frequency-Division. Multiplexing (OFDM)

What wireless standard uses OFDM and DSSS modulation?

802.11g uses either OFDM or DSSS as the modulation scheme. For OFDM, the modulation formats are set according to the data rate and cannot be changed. For DSSS with 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps data rates, the modulation formats are automatically set to DBPSK and DQPSK respectively and cannot be changed.

Does Wi-Fi use DSSS?

Wi-Fi uses Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) instead of FHSS. Its carrier does not hop or change frequency and remains centered on one channel that is 22 MHz-wide. While there is room for 11 overlapping channels in this 83 MHz-wide band, there is only room for three non-overlapping channels.

What is OFDM in wireless communication?

In telecommunications, orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a type of digital transmission and a method of encoding digital data on multiple carrier frequencies.

What is DSSS in networking?

In telecommunications, direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) is a spread-spectrum modulation technique primarily used to reduce overall signal interference. The direct-sequence modulation makes the transmitted signal wider in bandwidth than the information bandwidth.

What is FHSS in wireless networks?

Frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) is a method of transmitting radio signals by rapidly changing the carrier frequency among many distinct frequencies occupying a large spectral band. FHSS is used to avoid interference, to prevent eavesdropping, and to enable code-division multiple access (CDMA) communications.

What is OFDM wireless?

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing or OFDM is a modulation format that is being used for many of the latest wireless and telecommunications standards. OFDM has been adopted in the Wi-Fi arena where the standards like 802.11a, 802.11n, 802.11ac and more.

What is DSSS modulation?

In telecommunications, direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) is a spread-spectrum modulation technique primarily used to reduce overall signal interference. With DSSS, the message bits are modulated by a pseudorandom bit sequence known as a spreading sequence.

How does OFDM work on Wi-Fi?

OFDM takes an RF channel, such as the 20 MHz channel often used in Wi-Fi, and instead of using a single carrier-frequency modulated by AM, FM, or other means, sets out a number of sub-carriers. A transmission in OFDM is a number of simultaneous symbols on many sub-carriers.

Is Wi-Fi a OFDM?

802.11a/g/n/ac radios currently use Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) for single-user transmissions on an 802.11 frequency. 802.11ax radios can utilize Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) which is a multi-user version of the OFDM digital-modulation technology.

What is the difference between OFDM and DSSS in 802B?

IEEE 802.11b supports four data rates viz. 1 Mbps, 2 Mbps, 5.5 Mbps and 11 Mbps. DSSS is used to provide support for 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps data rate. CCK for 5.5 and 11 Mbps while OFDM is used for higher data rate applications. OFDM is used in IEEE 802.11a, 11g, 11n, 11ac and 11ad versions.

What are the advantages of OFDM over DSSS?

Hence OFDM offers many benefits for alleviating problems encountered in single carrier systems. This is done by spreading out frequency selective fading over many symbols in OFDM. ➨CCK and DSSS are used for low data rates upto 11 Mbps while OFDM is used for high data rate applications such as 50 to 100 Mbps.

What is the difference between CCK and DSSS and OFDM?

➨ Both CCK and DSSS use single carrier while OFDM uses multi-carrier for transmission. ➨ CCK and DSSS are spread spectrum modulation techniques which provides high security during transmission due to presence of information below noise level. OFDM achieves spreading of data by transmitting large number of carriers, each at low data rate.

Is OFDM a spread spectrum technology?

Update: According to the current CWNA book, OFDM is not a spread spectrum technology. From what I’ve gathered, the primary differentiation between DSSS and OFDM comes in a congested or constrained RF environment.


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