What happened to the Massassi?

What happened to the Massassi?

Also while on Yavin 4, Exar Kun enslaved the Massassi’ to build temples. When a mournful Ulic Qel-Droma turned on him, he destroyed the Massassi and trapped his and their spirits in the temples to live forever.

Who built the temples on Yavin 4?

Just before he fully embraced the dark side of the Force, the fallen Jedi Exar Kun came to Yavin 4, where he enslaved the native Massassi, who saw him as a god. He had them construct temples in his honor, one of which would later become known as the Temple of Exar Kun.

Who lives on Yavin?

Despite its reputedly inhospitable environment, the Yavin system was home to at least four sapient native species, namely the Melodies, the Gerbs, the Sliths, and a race of humanoids that was wiped out by the Galactic Empire.

Is Ronin a Sith or Jedi?

The Ronin was the alias used by a male human former Sith who wandered the far edge of the Outer Rim Territories in the aftermath of the Sith rebellion.

Is there a Jedi Temple on Yavin?

The Great Temple, also known as the Massassi outpost or Base One, was a temple on the moon Yavin 4 that served as the headquarters of the Alliance to Restore the Republic early in the Galactic Civil War.

Why is Felucia so important?

A key planet for control of the Perlemian Trade Route, Felucia was the location of several battles between the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.

Where were the Yavin scenes filmed?

Tikal (or Tik’al, according to the more current orthography) is one of the largest of the ancient ruined cities of the Maya civilization. It is located in the El Petén department of Guatemala. It was used as a filming location for Yavin 4 in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.

What is BBY and ABY?

Star Wars fans measure time in the universe relative to the Battle of Yavin, the clash that led to the destruction of the first Death Star in A New Hope. Events that take place before that battle are called BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin), those after ABY (After the Battle of Yavin).

Who were the Massassi?

The Massassi were a mysterious species that built enormous stone temples of unknown purpose on the fourth moon of Yavin some five thousand years before the rise of the Galactic Empire. Whether the Massassi had evolved on Yavin 4 or were a slave race in thrall of the Sith and brought to that moon was unknown, although the latter seemed more likely.

How did the Sith get the Massassi?

Over the generations, the Sith interbred with the Human Dark Jedi through a practice of the intermixing of Human and Sith bloodlines which became known as Sith Alchemy. The new Dark Jedi masters found the Massassi useful and used them as their tools of power for the Sith Empire.

Is Massassi a good site to download?

BTW: Massassi is the best web site in the history of the universe! – Otterbine Kir Kanos notified me in discord that both download links in the Massassi Madness category were broken. They are now fixed so you can watch A Killing in the Woods and the Burning Sticks Trailer if you’re so inclined.

What is the typical age range for a Massassi?

The typical Massassi childhood lasted ten standard years, with the next three standard years constituting young adulthood. Massassi adulthood typically began at around fourteen standard years of age. Middle age started after twenty-five standard years of life, and old age after thirty-five years.


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