What is sequence file format in hive?

What is sequence file format in hive?

Sequence files are flat files consisting of binary key-value pairs. When Hive converts queries to MapReduce jobs, it decides on the appropriate key-value pairs to be used for a given record. In Hive we can create a sequence file by specifying STORED AS SEQUENCEFILE in the end of a CREATE TABLE statement.

How do I read a sequence file in Hadoop?

To read a SequenceFile using Java API in Hadoop create an instance of SequenceFile. Reader. Using that reader instance you can iterate the (key, value) pairs in the SequenceFile using the next() method.

How many formats of sequence file are present in Hadoop?

3 available formats
Explanation: SequenceFile has 3 available formats: An “Uncompressed” format, a “Record Compressed” format and a “Block-Compressed”.

How many formats are in a sequence?

Typically there will be multiple entries (one per sequence) that are catenated in the file. Other formats, such as Staden, can only hold one sequence per file….

5.2. Introduction to Sequence Formats
Prev Chapter 5. File Formats Next

What is file format in Hadoop?

A file format is the definition of how information is stored in HDFS. Hadoop does not have a default file format and the choice of a format depends on its use. The big problem in the performance of applications that use HDFS such as MapReduce or Spark is the information search time and the writing time.

Which file format is best in Hive?

ORC files
Using ORC files improves performance when Hive is reading, writing, and processing data comparing to Text,Sequence and Rc. RC and ORC shows better performance than Text and Sequence File formats.

Which files deal with small file problems in Hadoop?

1) HAR (Hadoop Archive) Files has been introduced to deal with small file issue. HAR has introduced a layer on top of HDFS, which provide interface for file accessing. Using Hadoop archive command, HAR files are created, which runs a MapReduce job to pack the files being archived into smaller number of HDFS files.

Why are there different sequence formats?

In the field of bioinformatics there exists many different file formats that store DNA and protein sequence information. There is no one sequence format that is ideal: many are used in different contexts, and can often be converted from one to another for easier access or sharing.

What are the different file formats acceptable in Hadoop?

Sequence files, Avro data files, and Parquet file formats. Data serialization is a way of representing data in memory as a series of bytes. Using Sqoop, data can be imported to HDFS in Avro and Parquet file formats. Using Sqoop, Avro, and Parquet file format can be exported to RDBMS.

What is RC and orc file format?

ORC (Optimized Row Columnar)Input Format RC and ORC shows better performance than Text and Sequence File formats. Comparing to RC and ORC File formats always ORC is better as ORC takes less time to access the data comparing to RC File Format and ORC takes Less space space to store data.

What are the uses of sequence file in Hadoop HDFS?

Since sequence file stores data in the form of serialized key/value pair so it is good for storing images,binary data.

  • Since data is stored in binary form so more compact and takes less space than text files.
  • Sequence file is the native binary file format supported by Hadoop so extensively used in MapReduce as input/output formats.
  • What is the file format in Hadoop?


  • Parquet
  • JSON
  • Text file/CSV
  • ORC
  • What is a sequence file format?

    Sequence file formats can be divided into two primary categories: single sequence and multiple sequence. Single sequence files support only one sequence per file, while multiple sequence files support one or more sequences per file.

    What are the alternatives to Hadoop?

    Hypertable is a promising upcoming alternative to Hadoop. It is under active development. Unlike Java based Hadoop, Hypertable is written in C++ for performance. It is sponsored and used by Zvents, Baidu, and Rediff.com.


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