What is dentate nucleus?

What is dentate nucleus?

The dentate nucleus is the largest deep cerebellar cluster of neurons; it has a dentated – serrated – edge. Efferent fibers of the dentate nucleus are involved in the modulation of motor neurons and neurons involved in conscious thought and visuospatial function.

What does the dentate nucleus project to?

Axons from the dentate nucleus are destined for the cortex via a projection to the ventral nuclear complex in the thalamus.

What is the meaning of dentate?

Definition of dentate : having teeth or pointed conical projections a dentate margin of a leaf.

What is dentate leaf?

Noun. 1. dentate leaf – a leaf having a toothed margin. foliage, leaf, leafage – the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants. denticulate leaf – a leaf having a finely toothed margin; minutely dentate.

What is a dentate leaf margin?

A dentate margin has square or rectangular teeth along the margin that point outward. This differs from serrate by the direction of the teeth. Serrated teeth point forward toward the apex of the leaf. Botanical Terminology > Leaf Margins > Dentate.

Where is the fastigial nucleus?

The fastigial nucleus constitutes one of the primary cerebellar nuclei and is situated closest to the midline toward the anterior segment of the superior vermis and over the roof of the fourth ventricle.

Where is situated the Vallecula of the cerebellum?

On the inferior aspect of cerebellum, the vermis protrudes above the level of the hemispheres, but on the inferior surface it is sunk almost out of sight in the bottom of a deep depression between them; this depression is called the vallecula of the cerebellum, and lodges the posterior part of the medulla oblongata and …

What is the dentate nucleus of the central nervous system?

[edit on Wikidata] The dentate nucleus is a cluster of neurons, or nerve cells, in the central nervous system that has a dentate – tooth-like or serrated – edge.

What is inferior olivary nucleus and dentate nucleus?

The right olive, “inferior olivary nucleus”, has also been cut sagittally – from front to back. (Dentate nucleus, “nucleus dentatus”, labeled at top.) The dentate nucleus is a cluster of neurons, or nerve cells, in the central nervous system that has a dentate – tooth-like or serrated – edge.

Can dentate nucleus neurons cross all thalamic nuclei?

Therefore, as a result of these various pathways, the neurons of the dentate nucleus are able to traverse all thalamic nuclei, with the exception of those at the midline and anterior nuclear groups. Dentate nucleus axons can be divergent or convergent.

What are the characteristics of nervous tissue?

Characteristics Of Nervous Tissue. Nervous tissue makes up for the CNS and PNS of the nervous system. Contains two distinct cells – neurons and glial cells. It consists of the dendrites, cell body, axon and nerve endings. Neurons secrete chemical neurotransmitters which are responsible for stimulating other neurons as a result of a stimuli.


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