How to get titles transformice?

How to get titles transformice?

Titles are unlockable words or phrases you can apply to your mouse. They appear below the names of players. All new players begin with one title—Little Mouse, and can earn more by completing specific goals. You can achieve as many titles as you want, but may only assign one to your mouse at any time.

What is a Padder in transformice?

padder / padding. Short for stat padding, the act of suicide when you don’t get first, so you get a better cheese to ‘first’s ratio. Sometimes called statting. That guy just jumped off the edge.

How do you change your title on transformice?

To manage your title, type /title in-game in the chat box to see a list of titles you have unlocked so far. Each title has a number after the /title command which is used to change your title to the desired one. To do this, type /title [number], for example /title 0 to change your title to “Little Mouse”.

How do you use the MEEP in transformice?

Meep is an ability to push other mice away, similar to an invisible spirit which does not affect the user. It is used by pressing Space . The closer the mice are to the user, the stronger the effect will be.

What does the Apple do in transformice?

Object properties Apple is a skill in the Spiritual Guide skill tree. For each skill point you allocate into the Apple skill, you can spawn one apple. Apples allow the shaman to spawn within a small radius of it.

What is CC in transformice?

Cheese coins (cc) are the most versatile coin, as the may be “used” like a normal consumable to earn shop cheese, traded with other players (if they haven’t been used), and can be earned multiple ways. As such, they are the primary means of exchange for consumables / inventory items.

How do you get racing coins in transformice?

Racing coins, also called flag coins, are earned in the racing game mode, with 1 coin being awarded for every 5 complete maps (doesn’t matter if you come in first or last).

Is transformice free on Steam?

Transformice is -literally- free to play.

How do you get golden tickets in TFM?

Gold ticket coins are earned from adventures as random rewards, and occasionally in larger quantities as one time reward. They can also be earned from completing daily quests.


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