What is the meaning of Bunga Rampai?

What is the meaning of Bunga Rampai?

Bunga rampai comprises of sliced pandan leaves, rose petals and other fragrant flowers, usually rose or baby breath, and adding rose water to it. Guests will be given the bunga rampai after the solemnization ceremony or nikah. It is a symbol of hope that the sweetness of marriage will prevail.

What is Sireh junjung for?

Wedding Decorations and Catering The Sireh Dara and Sireh Junjung, often placed on the dais as part of the decoration, is a symbol of their virginity and is sought after by other single men and women after the wedding for luck in relationships. Wedding caterers usually start their preparations a day before the wedding.

What is Malam Berinai?

Well, the word malam means night whereas berinai conveys to wear henna. So, the word ‘malam berinai’ could be loosely translated as a night to wear henna. In other words, it is a henna staining night. Nonetheless, some prefer to say it as henna staining ceremony.

What is Merisik?

Merisik is when the family of the man pay a friendly visit to the family of the woman whom they have in mind as his potential bride. Doing so implies that the Muslim man is ready to take the relationship to the next level and requires their blessings.

What is Silat pengantin?

My Lens of Love Photography – This is what ‘Silat Pengantin’ (silat bride) in a Malay wedding looks like. During a wedding ceremony, Silat is not used against an opponent but rather as a form of respect, blessing and protection.

How long is the nikah ceremony?

The average wedding ceremony is less than an hour, but Nikah, a muslim marriage ceremony, will still likely be the shortest you’ve attended. There are three main parts: Mehr is a ceremonial presentation of gifts, money or other meaningful offering to the bride, from the groom.

What is Aqd nikah in Islam?

What is Aqd nikah? Aqd in Arabic means contract. Even though in Islam, Nikah is a religious sanction for individuals to have sexual relationships and to have children and live like a family, it considers marriage as a civil agreement, entered into by two individuals or those acting on their behalf.

What does lupine flower mean and symbolise?

Filling the fields with merriment and joy, the Lupine flower symbolizes happiness, and brings one the inner strength to recover from trauma. The Lupine also brings the message that new opportunities are discovered when one finds the way to have a positive outlook. Lupine flower corresponds to the 3rd eye chakra.

What is the Oriental language of flowers?

The oriental language of flowers was introduced into Europe in the 17th century by Charles II, King of Sweden. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762), an 18th-Century aristocrat and poet, became fascinated with the Turkish “selam“ and introduced the symbolic language to the England.

What do flowers mean to you?

Ever since ancient times, flowers have held symbolic meaning derived from mythology, folklore, religious beliefs and life values. That is the reason why there are various meanings assigned to each flower. The flowers have been used to express emotions, celebrate births, marriage and commemorate our deaths. They color our world.


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