Can I blog about life experiences?

Can I blog about life experiences?

Yes, you really can write a blog about you and your life, and people will read it, but there are a few important specifications to consider.

How do you cope with struggles in life?

10 tips for coping with the hard stuff

  1. Talk to someone. Share your worries with a trusted friend, family member or health professional.
  2. Get journalling.
  3. Self-love.
  4. Take a break.
  5. Be nice to yourself.
  6. Take a step back.
  7. Think about the big picture.
  8. Focus on the positive.

What are the struggles in life?

The 10 Most Common Life Problems and How to Deal with Them

  1. Health Crisis. There comes a time in your life when you are not healthy.
  2. Workplace Issues. Of course, everyone gets to work when the time and opportunity are there.
  3. Emptiness.
  4. Friendship Issues.
  5. Failure.
  6. Financial Crisis.
  7. Career Pressure.
  8. Unfair Treatment.

Why is there so much struggle in life?

many people do not realise how much their thinking affects the quality of their life. When we struggle against the natural rhythms of life, we create resistance and opposition and this is what leads to struggle. With struggle there is no joy and rarely any reward. In fact, for some people struggle is the reward.

Can I blog about everything?

We’ve established that if you’re blogging for fun and not for money, you can write about anything. This is because you do not need to be concerned about traffic when working on a personal blog.

How do I start a daily blog?

In order to Start A Blog you will need to work through these 5 simple step-by-step stages:

  1. Choose a blogging platform.
  2. Pick a Domain Name & Web Host.
  3. Install WordPress on your hosting account.
  4. Design Your Blog.
  5. Launch Your Blog.

Does everyone struggle in life?

Everyone Struggles Sometimes When you’re struggling in life, take assurance in the fact that everyone else struggles like you do. We may not have similar struggles, but it’s still a struggle nonetheless. If struggles didn’t exist, we’d have no way to appreciate the beauty and wonders of life.

Is life without struggle worth living?

Life without struggle is not worth living since you don’t learn to overcome, to get stronger, or to learn from them. Without struggles, you’re fragile.

Do you struggle in life?

For many of us, life is a struggle. Unless you are lucky, you will have periods in your life where things will not go your way, and it will be difficult to get through these periods. We all struggle but for some, that struggle is extremely hard to manage. I’ve struggled a lot over the past couple of years.

Is being kind all it takes to make a difference?

Don’t let them. You don’t even have to do anything big, small acts of kindness are all it takes. The little things all add up. One person can make a difference to someone with one small simple act of kindness. However, being kind is great and worth pursuing, but make sure you’re protecting your personal boundaries.

Why is it important to be kind to others?

An important part of being kind is being mindful of your words, as words can hurt more, and for longer, than physical pain (Words That Stay With You Forever). So let the words that people will remember you for, be kind words, rather than hurtful ones. Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much – Blaise Pascal Click To Tweet

What is get Busy Living?

Benny’s blog arises from his desire to live a normal life without necessarily having a conventional job or career to dictates his daily routines for the previous 40 years. By providing valuable and inspirational tips, Get Busy Living aims at helping and inspiring people to live a happy and “epic life”.


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