What is the use of HT command in logo?

What is the use of HT command in logo?

penup or pu means pick pen up, so you can move turtle without leaving tracks. pendown or pd means pick pen down, so you can move the turtle and leave tracks. hideturtle or ht means hide the turtle, so you can admire your drawing. showturtle or st means show the turtle, so you can continue your drawing.

Which command is used in logo?

The command cs will clear the screen and reposition the turtle at its center. Sometimes you will need to stop a Logo procedure. Do this with ^c (control c). To exit logo, type bye in the command window.

How can I add color to my logo?

Computer screens work with red, green and blue components of light, so they are sometimes called RGB screens. We set a color by moving these three sliders left and right….Logo – Color.

Color & Pen command Purpose of the command
setpencolor [ r g b] setpc [r g b] Sets the color for turtle’s pen r g b are numbers in range [0, 255]

What is HT command?

HT command:- The back command is used to move the turtle backward while drawing a line. Function: HT command hides the display of the turtle. ST command:- ST command is used to display the turtle on the screen. It can be used only after the HT command has been used.

What is the difference between CS and CT command?

» If you’re looking at it from a university course point of view, computer science might focus more on computer theory oriented subjects like discrete mathematics, theory of computation, etc whereas computer technology might offer more of technology oriented subjects such as Android programming, etc.

Which command closes the logo application?

The command ‘Bye’ is used to exit LOGO.

What is Setscreencolor command used for?

Sets the screen background color to color and changes the entire screen to that color. The color input may either be a color index or a color vector.

Can we change logo colors?

No, it isn’t okay. Not without the permission of the logo owners. You may write to them to find out if they have a different variant of their logo for use. If they do not, then you’ll at least need to seek their permission to change the colour for your design.

What are the different drawing commands in logo?

Logo has a number of other drawing commands, some of which are given below. The pendown and penup commands tell the turtle to leave ink on the screen as it moves or not to leave ink, respectively. The hideturtle and showturtle commands hide or show the turtle, but do not affect its ability to leave ink as it moves.

How to set the color of three screen elements in logo?

On Logo’s Set menu, we can set the color of three screen elements − We set a color by moving these three sliders left and right. Remember that black is the absence of all color and white is all colors together. Mixing light isn’t like mixing paint.

What is the difference between FD and RT commands in logo?

These commands are read from the left to the right. Since the command fd requires one argument, it is taken as the next value. Similarly, rt takes an argument as well. Thus, Logo can give an unambiguous meaning to each of these character strings. For some Logo commands, separators are needed.

How do I run the Logo language?

Running the LOGO Language is very simple. STEP 1 : Turn on the power supply to the computer and the monitor. STEP 2 : Take a LOGO diskette and insert it into drive A or STEP 3 : Wait until the computer displays the turtle in the center of the screen with a question mark (?) at the bottom left corner of the screen.


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