How is Igce calculated?

How is Igce calculated?

The IGCE can be calculated using prior historical rates and information. The IGCE should include detailed breakdowns of estimates for material and travel. If/when applicable, the IGCE should include methodology used for estimating the level of effort required.

What is the purpose of an Igce?

The IGCE is used during all phases of a program to include Life Cycle Cost and Total Operating Cost of a Services Acquisition project, as well as more limited estimates related to a subset of a current contract or even for a contract option period within an overall period of performance.

Who prepares the Igce?

(3) To serve as an objective basis for determining price reasonableness. b. The contracting officer’s representative (COR) prepares the IGCE.

What is Ige in contracting?

The IGE is a cost estimate developed by the government technical activity, based on the requirements (Supplies, Performance Work Statement (PWS), Statement of Work (SOW), or other specifications), and without the influence of potential contractors’ (marketing) efforts.

How often must performance be assessed in Cpars?

FAR 42.1502 requires that contractor past performance evaluations be prepared at least annually and at the time the work under the contract or order is completed. These evaluations must be entered into the automated CPARS System.

What is ODC cost?

An ODC is a cost that can be identified specifically with a final cost objective that is not treated as either a direct material or direct labor cost. Examples of ODCs may include travel, special tooling and test equipment, computer services, consultant services, preservation, and packaging.

What is the difference between IGE and Igce?

An IGCE is different from an IGE. The IGCE is the Government’s estimate of the resources and projected cost of the resources a contractor will incur in the performance of a contract.

When performing surveillance on a contract a COR may be asked to?

When delegated duties to perform surveillance on a contract, the COR may be asked: Ensure that any Government Furnished Property is available when needed and is being accounted for by the appropriate property personnel.

When should Cpars be completed?

The evaluation is due for completion 120 days after the end of the performance year. The due date includes all steps in the process, including the contractor’s comment period. If the 120 day timeframe is exceeded, an email is sent weekly to the government team stating that the evaluation is overdue.


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