What is Fontan conversion surgery?

What is Fontan conversion surgery?

A Fontan conversion operation is indicated for patients who had a previous atriopulmonary Fontan and now have atrial arrhythmias and a dilated right atrium. Fontan conversion improves hemodynamics, decreases arrhythmias, and can be performed with low operative mortality.

Is Fontan open heart surgery?

The Fontan procedure is a type of open-heart surgery. Children who need this surgery usually have it when they’re 18–36 months old.

What was the survival rate of a Fontan procedure?

Conclusions: Over 80% of patients who survive Fontan surgery will be alive at 20 years. Developing late sequelae including protein losing enteropathy, ventricular dysfunction or requiring a pacemaker predict a higher risk of late death.

How long is Fontan procedure?

How long does the Fontan procedure take? This surgical procedure usually takes about four hours to perform.

How long does Fontan surgery take?

How long does the Fontan procedure take? This surgical procedure usually takes about four hours to perform. There are not as many risks following this surgery as are seen with the Norwood procedure. The amount of time your child will need to be in the hospital is usually around 10 to 14 days.

How much does a Norwood procedure cost?

The length of stay (LOS) for a patient after a Norwood procedure is around 28 days with a cost close to $110,000 (US), and hospital charges around $280,000, making the daily hospital cost for these patients around $7,000 to $10,000.

What age is Glenn surgery?

The Glenn procedure is a type of open-heart surgery Babies who need this surgery typically have it when they’re 4–6 months old.

What comes after the Norwood procedure?

After the Norwood operation, the right heart pumps a mixture of red and blue blood out to the body. It pumps blue blood coming back from the body and red blood coming back from the lungs. Since mixed blood is going out to the body, the oxygen level in the blood is lower than normal.


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