How do you use Diazinon 60 EC?

How do you use Diazinon 60 EC?

Mix 1 to 1.5 liters of Diazinon for every 1,000 liters of water when spraying ornamental varieties of plants. Mix 500 ml to 1 liter of Diazinon with 1,000 liters of water when spraying fruit tree varieties. (Oils may need to be added when spraying fruit tree pests to increase effectiveness.

Can I still buy diazinon?

Beginning today, consumers can no longer buy one of the most popular lawn and garden insecticides of all time. Retailers in the United States are prohibited from selling diazinon, a highly effective killer of a variety of yard pests such as ants and grub worms. It is still legal to use diazinon on some crops.

What can diazinon be used for?

Diazinon is an insecticide that belongs to a group of chemicals known as organophosphates. Diazinon is used in agriculture to control insects on fruit, vegetable, nut and field crops. It is also used to make ear tags for cattle. Diazinon has been used in the United States since 1956.

What does diazinon kill?

Diazinon is a liquid, contact insecticide that kills by targeting the nervous system. It is non-systematic, in that it does not move inside a plant after it is absorbed. It is used in agriculture on vegetable, fruit and nut crops to control pests like moths, borers, mites, aphids and scale.

Is Diazinon a fungicide?

Uses: Diazinon is a non-systemic insecticide used in agriculture to control soil and foliage insects and pests on a variety of fruit, vegetable, nut and field crops. Diazinon was one of the most widely used insecticides for household and agricultural pest control.

Does diazinon expire?

Shelf-life of at least 3 to 5 yr when stored in a dry place & minimum storage temp.

How often can you spray pyrethrin?

Crops may be sprayed at 7 day intervals and harvested 24 hours after the last application. Some species of plant may be sensitive to Pyrethrum 5 EC and show signs of yellowing, particularly after a second application.

How long is pyrethrin active?

In the presence of sunlight, pyrethrin 1, a component of pyrethrins, breaks down rapidly in water and on soil and plant surfaces. Half-lives are 11.8 hours in water and 12.9 hours on soil surfaces. On potato and tomato leaves, less than 3% remained after 5 days.


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