What is the best covenant for AFF lock?

What is the best covenant for AFF lock?

Night Fae
Covenant Changes in 9.1 for Affliction Warlocks Night Fae remains the best choice by far.

What stats are best for Warlock?

The stat priority for an Affliction Warlock is:

  • Intellect;
  • Mastery;
  • Haste;
  • Critical Strike;
  • Versatility.

What’s the best covenant for Affliction Warlock PvP?

We explain the usefulness of each Covenant to an Affliction Warlock in PvP, allowing you to make the best decision for your PvP playstyle. Recommendations for Soulbinds will be explored for each Covenant….Best Covenant for Affliction Warlock in PvP.

Arena Battlegrounds
Venthyr Mediocre Mediocre

What is masterlock for Affliction Warlock?

Mastery: Potent Afflictions
Mastery: Potent Afflictions Level 78 Affliction warlock ability Passive Increases damage done by Agony, Corruption, Unstable Affliction, and Seed of Corruption by 20.0%.
Usable by
Class Warlock
Other information

Is haste good for Warlocks?

Affliction Warlocks have it easy. Our stat weights don’t change at all, regardless of Covenant or legendary. Because we’re so heavily focused on DoT application and speed, Haste and Mastery are generally always your best stats.

What is the best race for Warlock in Wow?

Gnome Warlock Gnomes
Gnome Warlock Gnomes are hands down the best race in the game for Warlock PvE due to to their ability, Expansive Mind.

What is the stat priority for Affliction Warlock in PvP?

The stat priority for Affliction Warlock in PvP is as follows: 1 Intellect; 2 Versatility; 3 Haste; 4 Mastery; 5 Critical Strike.

What is the best stat priority for arms Warriors in PvP?

The stat priority for Arms Warriors in PvP is as follows: Strength; Haste; Versatility; Mastery; Critical Strike. Strength is the best stat in all situations. Haste is the strongest secondary stat to have. This will reduces the cooldown of your abilities and it an overall increase to your damage output. Versatility increases your damage and

What are the best trinkets for an affliction Warlock?

In general, Affliction Warlocks want to get trinkets that line up well with Dark Soul: Misery. These trinkets can have a passive or on-use effect. The stat you want to be increasing is Intellect. The reason you want to increase Intellect is because it drastically increases your overall damage output.

What are the best shards to use as an affliction Warlock?

For Domination Shards and Sockets, there are only 2 Shards which are worth using as an Affliction Warlock. These are the Shard of Kyr which grants a stacking absorb shield, and the Shard of Dyz which increases your damage dealt by a small margin.


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