How do I select the latest record from a table in MySQL?

How do I select the latest record from a table in MySQL?

To get the last record, the following is the query. mysql> select *from getLastRecord ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1; The following is the output.

How do I select the latest record from a table in SQL?

But there are ways to get the last record in MySql, SQL Server, Oracle etc. databases….Oracle syntax:

  1. SELECT column_name FROM table_name.
  2. ORDER BY column_name DESC.
  3. WHERE ROWNUM <=1;

How do you find the latest record from a table?

to get the last row of a SQL-Database use this sql string: SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE id=(SELECT max(id) FROM TableName);

How do I get latest 10 records in MySQL?

The following is the syntax to get the last 10 records from the table. Here, we have used LIMIT clause. SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM yourTableName ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10 )Var1 ORDER BY id ASC; Let us now implement the above query.

How do I select the last 3 rows in SQL?

SELECT * FROM (select * from suppliers ORDER BY supplier_name DESC) suppliers2 WHERE rownum <= 3 ORDER BY rownum DESC; Notice that although you want the last 3 records sorted by supplier_name in ascending order, you actually sort the supplier_name in descending order in this solution.

How do I get last 5 rows in SQL?

  1. You need to count number of rows inside table ( say we have 12 rows )
  2. then subtract 5 rows from them ( we are now in 7 )
  3. select * where index_column > 7 select * from users where user_id > ( (select COUNT(*) from users) – 5) you can order them ASC or DESC.

How can I get last 5 records from a table?

How do I get top ten records in SQL?

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How do I get last 3 records in SQL?

How do I select the last 2 records in SQL?

To select last two rows, use ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 2.

How do I get the latest 2 records in SQL?


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