How does a calcium ion selective electrode work?

How does a calcium ion selective electrode work?

The Vernier Calcium Ion-Selective Electrode (ISE) is a membrane-based electrode that measures a specific ion (Ca2+) in an aqueous solution. When the membrane of the electrode is in contact with a solution containing the specific ion, a voltage, dependent on the level of that ion in solution, develops at the membrane.

What is calcium electrode?

The Calcium ISE electrode is intended for measuring calcium ion concentrations and activities in aqueous solutions. The PVC polymer matrix membrane of Ca ISE is ideal for use in laboratory environments. Calcium Ion Selective Electrodes can be used in aqueous solutions over a wide temperature range up to 40 °C.

What is the most common ion-selective electrode?

Ion-exchange resin membranes Ion-exchange resins are based on special organic polymer membranes which contain a specific ion-exchange substance (resin). This is the most widespread type of ion-specific electrode. An example is the potassium selective electrode, based on valinomycin as an ion-exchange agent.

Which of these is not an ion-selective electrode?

Clarification: Thermistors are used in calorimetric biosensor to measure the heat generated during the reaction. Hence it is not an ion-selective electrode. Glass electrodes, glass pH electrodes and solid-state electrodes are types ion-selective electrodes that are used in the potentiometric biosensor. 5.

How do you find the concentration of calcium ions in a solution?

You can try calmagite colorimetric method suggested by (Method 8030) to measure calcium ions in solution. However, this method is for low concentrations of Ca2+ (0.05 to 4 mg/l). It means that you need to dilute your solution at the time of measurement!

How does fluoride ion selective electrode work?

When immersed in a fluoride solution and connected via a voltmeter to an AgCl/KCl external reference electrode immersed in the same solution, the negative F ions in the solution pass through the crystal membrane by normal diffusion from high concentration to low concentration until there is an equilibrium between the …

What is liquid membrane electrode?

An electrode in which the sensing membrane is made up of a hydrophobic ion-exchange neutral carrier (ionophore) dissolved in a viscous, water-insoluble solvent. The liquid membrane is physically supported by an inert porous matrix such as cellulose acetate.

What is sodium electrode?

Introduction. The Sodium Ion-Selective Electrode has a solid-state PVC polymer matrix membrane. The electrode is designed for the detection of sodium ions (Na+ ) in aqueous solutions and is suitable for use in both field and laboratory applications. The Sodium Ion is a monovalent cation.

Which is an example of ion selective electrode?

Examples include the Fluoride electrode which uses a doped LaF3 crystal, and the Chloride electrode which uses silver chloride powder. Polymer Membrane Electrodes are based on special organic polymer membranes which contain various ion-exchange ionophores incorporated into an inert matrix.

Which of the following is Ion Selective Electrode –?

The following are the four main types of ion-selective electrodes: Glass electrodes are made of ion-exchange type glass membranes, and possess good selectivity, particularly for Ag+, Na+ and H +. Chalcogenide glass, however, has good selectivity for double-charged metal ions such as Cd2+and Pb2+.

What is a calcium ion selective electrode used for?

The Calcium Ion-Selective Electrode has a solid-state PVC polymer matrix membrane. The electrode is designed for the detection of calcium ions ( Ca+2 ) in aqueous solutions and is suitable for use in both field and laboratory applications. The Calcium Ion is a divalent cation .

What is the difference between salicylate and NH4+ electrodes?

Electrodes for sensing NH 3 and NH 4+ usually gave higher mean concentration of TAN than salicylate method. NH 4+ electrode, although with high accuracy, was strongly affected by sodium and potassium and not recommended to use especially in waters of high salinity.

Does salicylate method affect Tan concentration in water samples?

TAN concentrations measured in 27 water samples by all methods were highly correlated (R 2 = 0.919 to 0.996) with salicylate method. All of the slopes except phenate I and II method were different from 1.0 ( P < 0.05); all of the intercepts except phenate I and salicylate kit were different from 0.0 ( P < 0.05).

Is Rochelle salt method more accurate than salicylate method?

Results from Nessler’s with Rochelle salt method were more accurate than Nessler without Rochelle salt method. Electrodes for sensing NH 3 and NH 4+ usually gave higher mean concentration of TAN than salicylate method.


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