What is geographic adjustment factor?

What is geographic adjustment factor?

These indexes are known collectively as the geographic adjustment factor (GAF), a weighted average of the geographic practice cost indexes, or GPCIs. That is, data are collected from each physician payment area, and a ratio of area costs to national costs is applied to physician payment.

What is the Medicare conversion factor?

Basically, the relative value of a procedure multiplied by the number of dollars per Relative Value Unit (RVU) is the fee paid by Medicare for the procedure (RVUW = physician work, RVUPE = practice expense, RVUMP = malpractice). The Conversion Factor (CF) is the number of dollars assigned to an RVU.

What do geographic adjustments take into account?

Geographic adjustments are intended to improve the accuracy of Medicare payments to providers in various areas of the country by accounting for the differences in prices for certain expenses (such as clinical and administrative staff salaries and benefits, rent, malpractice insurance, and other defined costs) from …

What percentage of a physician’s work value is adjusted based on geographic cost differences?

Because the physician work GPCI is adjusted for only one-quarter of the geographic variation in the proxies used in the and no adjustment is applied to the equipment and supplies component of PE, only 48 percent of the GPCI cost share weights were adjusted for geographic input price variation in 2011.

What is the Medicare conversion factor for 2019?

The 2019 conversion factor was increased to 36.0391. This is approximately a $0.04 increase from the 2018 conversion factor of 35.9996, which results in a slight increase in payment for most sleep procedures and evaluation and management codes.

What is the Medicare allowable rate?

80 percent
According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Medicare’s reimbursement rate on average is roughly 80 percent of the total bill. Not all types of health care providers are reimbursed at the same rate.

What is the RVU for 2021?

The Medicare conversion factor is the dollar amount that is multiplied by the total RVU values for each physician service to determine Medicare reimbursement. Medicare’s final rule, and the subsequent Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, reduced its conversion factor from $36.09 per RVU to $34.89 per RVU.

How is the Medicare physician fee schedule calculated?

The Medicare physician fee schedule amounts are adjusted to reflect the variation in practice costs from area to area. The GPCIs are applied in the calculation of a fee schedule payment amount by multiplying the RVU for each component times the GPCI for that component.


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