What is octane and cetane number?

What is octane and cetane number?

The main difference between cetane and octane ratings is that the octane rating represents how well a fuel can resist pre-ignition due to compression—ensuring the fuel ignites only from a spark from the spark plug. However, the cetane number measures the delay in the ignition time of the fuel.

What is the difference between isooctane and octane?

Like octane, isooctane has eight carbon atoms and is also used as a fuel. Isooctane is an example of a branched chain hydrocarbon, and is a five carbon chain with three methyl groups at various points in the chain. A poor fuel has a zero octane number, whereas a good fuel has an octane number of 100.

What is octane number of iso-octane?

Octane number of iso-octane is 100 and that of n-heptane is 0 and both are the standard reference fuels used in calculation of octane numbers of other fuels.

What is the octane rating of butane?

Alkanes: Octane Number

Compound/Fuel RON MON
Butane 93 90
Isopentane 92 90
Benzene 99 91
Toluene 124 112

What is cetane number?

The cetane number (CN) is an indicator of the ignitibility of diesel fuels. It provides information about the ignition delay, i.e. the speed of self-ignition of diesel fuel when injected into hot air through the fuel injector.

What is octane and cetane number Quora?

Octane number measures the performance of gasoline while cetane number measure the performance of the diesel. The fuel having high octane number has the low cetane number and high cetane number fuel has low octane number. This is one reason why we can’t use petrol in a diesel engine and diesel in petrol engine.

What is the octane number of diesel?


hexadecane < −30
n-octane −20 −17
n-heptane (RON and MON 0 by definition) 0 0
diesel fuel 15–25

What octane is diesel gas?

Diesel fuel has an octane rating of 25-40. Mixing 2% diesel fuel into gasoline will lower the overall octane rating by 1 point.

What is cetane in diesel?

What is cetane? The cetane number (CN) of diesel fuel is a measure of the ignition quality of the fuel based on the ignition delay in an engine. Ignition delay measures the time between the start of injection and the start of combustion.

What does B7 Diesel mean?

Diesel B7 is a fuel with added biocomponents of up to 7%, which meets the requirements of the European diesel standard EN590. The fuel has a low sulfur content for the benefit of the environment. Truck diesel can be used in all types of diesel engines and is the most widely used on the market.

What is cetane number Quora?

Cetane number (or CN) is an inverse function of a fuel’s ignition delay, and the time period between the start of injection and the first identifiable pressure increase during combustion of the fuel. In a particular diesel engine, higher cetane fuels will have shorter ignition delay periods than lower Cetane fuels.


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