Was Jedi Temple always on Coruscant?

Was Jedi Temple always on Coruscant?

It was located in the Temple Precinct on Coruscant, where it stood out among the low city blocks of its direct surroundings. The Jedi Temple was the home of the Jedi up until the execution of Order 66, when its occupants were wiped out by Darth Vader and the troopers of the 501st Legion.

What is the name of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant?

Jedi Grand Temple
The Jedi Order constructed the Jedi Grand Temple over the ruins of a Sith shrine on Coruscant. The site of the Jedi Grand Temple, and later the Imperial Palace, was considered a holy site on Coruscant for many millennia by dozens of Force-wielding traditions.

Was the Jedi Temple on Coruscant built on a Sith temple?

The Jedi Temple was built atop the Sith shrine. The Sith constructed the shrine on the planet Coruscant around five millennia before the rise of the Galactic Empire on top of a sacred spire, a powerful light side vergence, hoping to corrupt it with the dark side of the Force, which eventually succeeded.

Is there a Sith Temple on Coruscant?

The Temple of the Sith, formed from what used to be the new Jedi Temple, was a building located on Coruscant. After having served the New Jedi Order since the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War, it was captured by the One Sith in 130 ABY.

Did all Jedi live on Coruscant?

No, not all the Jedi lived on Coruscant. Like Kanan Jarrus (aka Caleb Dume) said, there were 10,000 Jedi spread around in the galaxy. There were many Jedi Temples.

What is Earth’s name in Star Wars?

It falls within a network of routes that connects several more significant planets in Star Wars lore like Coruscant, Tatooine, Naboo, Hoth, and Kashyyyk. Although not cannon, the Star Wars Extended Universe gives us even more details regarding Earth. Earth is known as Urrtha in the Star Wars Universe.

Where was Luke’s Jedi Temple?

During the early development of The Force Awakens, one of the many ideas that George Lucas envisioned for the Star Wars sequel trilogy involved Luke training his new disciple Kira (renamed Rey in the finished version of the film) at a Jedi temple located at the planet which ultimately became Ahch-To.

How many Jedi were there on Coruscant?

One of the spires of the majestic Jedi Temple on Coruscant housed the Jedi High Council Chamber, a room where 12 of the wisest Jedi Masters formed the highest governing body of the Jedi Order.

What is the Sith shrine under the Jedi Temple?

The Shrine in the Depths was an ancient Sith shrine constructed at a Force vergence on the planet Coruscant, constructed before the rise of the modern Galactic Republic. The Jedi Order later constructed the Jedi Temple over the shrine, hoping to neutralize its dark energies, and occasionally nullified dark side artifacts inside of it.

What is the history of the Jedi?

The Jedi and the History of the Order. Originally formed as a philosophical study group situated on the planet Tython, the Jedi became revered as august guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy. As mystical wielders of the Force and of their glowing, signature lightsabers, their powers inspired awe in most of the galaxy’s citizens.

What is a Jedi Temple?

The Jedi Temple (also known as the Palace of the Jedi) was the headquarters of the Jedi Order from the conclusion of the Great Sith War to the Great Jedi Purge and during that time was home to its major training, bureaucratic and dormitory facilities.


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