How do blind and visually impaired people travel from one place to another?

How do blind and visually impaired people travel from one place to another?

Those with low vision may use their other senses along with their remaining vision to get around. Mobility is the physical traveling done to get to and from places. This includes walking, taking public transportation or even getting a ride from friends or family.

How do you handle a blind guest?

Let the person who is blind or have low vision take your arm as described in the sighted guide fact sheet. Do not relocate objects or furniture without telling the person who is blind or has low vision. Do not fill glasses or cups to the brim. Use ordinary language when directing or describing and be specific.

What is the first action you should do when you enter the room of a blind person?

Immediately greet the person when they enter a room or a service area. This allows you to let them know you are present and ready to assist. And, it eliminates uncomfortable silences. Indicate the end of a conversation to avoid the embarrassment of leaving a person speaking when no one is actually there.

What help is available for visually impaired?

Larger agencies, such as the Braille Institute in Los Angeles, the Lighthouse for the Blind in San Francisco and the Society for the Blind in Sacramento, as well as many of the smaller agencies, provide a variety of counseling and support options.

How do you help a blind person walk?

DO allow the person you are guiding to hold your arm and follow as you walk. DO move your guiding arm behind your back when approaching a narrow space so the person you are guiding can step behind you and follow single-file. DO hesitate briefly at a curb or at the beginning of a flight of stairs.

Which etiquette should a person follow while dealing with a person with vision lose?

DO give a clear word picture when describing things to an individual with vision loss. Include details such as color, texture, shape and landmarks. DO touch them on the arm or use their name when addressing them. This lets them know you are speaking to them, and not someone else in the room.

How do you become friends with a blind person?

Here are some tips to get you going.

  1. Make a New Friend. Having a blind friend is no different than having any other friend.
  2. Offer Social Assistance. Social situations are full of visual cues that you can make accessible.
  3. Stop the Staring, Whispering, Pointing.
  4. Keep Conversations Natural.

Where is the best place for a blind person to live?

1. Seattle, WA. Seattle is home to many facilities that provide services for the blind and visually impaired, such as SightConnection, Heritage for the Blind of Seattle, The Lighthouse for the Blind, and the Washington State Department of Services for the Blind.

Can a blind person walk without a stick?

People who are blind can be perfectly capable of walking by themselves. However, there are times when a sighted guide is required. In addition to guiding a blind person carefully, be respectful. Always ask first before offering assistance.

What is the PC word for blind?

I’m just a person who happens to be blind. You don’t need to remember some “politically correct” term, “visually impaired”, “sight challenged” etc. Keep it simple and honest, just say blind.

Is it rude to ask a blind person?

It is plain rude to ask people who are blind or visually impaired this question. It comes from the curiosity to ‘check’ how blind they actually are. You are implying that you need validation in order to believe them. But, you don’t have the right to ask someone this question.


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