What is the literacy rate of China?

What is the literacy rate of China?

In China, the literacy rate has developed from 79 percent in 1982 to 97 percent in 2010, indicating that almost one million people per year had become literate over three decades.

What was the rate of literacy of India in 2011?

74.0 per cent
The literacy rate of India in 2011 is 74.0 per cent. Literacy rate among females is 65.5 per cent whereas the literacy rate among males is 82.1 per cent. Note: 1. Literacy rate for 1981, 1991, 2001 and 2011 Census relate to the population aged seven years and above.

Which country has the highest literacy rate 2011?

Answer: Russia. _ According to the 2011 census, literacy level was 93.91 percent in Kerala and 91.58 percent in Mizoram, among the most literate states inther country.

Which is the best country India or China?

Both countries has been neck-to-neck in gdp per capita terms. As per both method, India was richer than China in 1990. Now in 2019, China is almost 4.61 times richer than India in nominal method and 2.30 times richer in ppp method. Per capita rank of China and India is 72th and 145th, resp, in nominal.

Which country has 100 percent literacy?

Isolated from the world, North Korea has topped the list for the highest literacy rate of 100%. With a growth rate of 0.46%, the country has developed over the years to boost the literacy rate.

What is the literacy rate in Pakistan?

The current literacy rate of Pakistan is 62.3 which mean that an estimated population of 60 million is illiterate in the country.

What is the literacy rate of India in 2011 census?

After the 2011 census, literacy rate India 2011 was found to be 74.04%. Compared to the adult literacy rate here the youth literacy rate is about 9% higher.

Why is India’s literacy rate so low compared to China?

As a result of India’s effort to improve the schooling of girls, its literacy rate for women between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four has clearly risen; but that rate is still not much above 80 percent, whereas in China it is 99 percent.

Which country is more literate India or Bangladesh?

While India is ahead of Bangladesh in the male literacy rate for the age group between fifteen and twenty-four, the female rate in Bangladesh is higher than in India.

What is the literacy rate in Rajasthan?

Especially after the implementation of free education in the villages the literacy rate has gone up tremendously in states like Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan As per the data published by the 2011 census India has managed to achieve an effective literacy rate of 74.04 per cent in 2011.


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