Do I need open VM tools?

Do I need open VM tools?

The open-vm-tools-desktop package is optional and includes additional user programs and libraries to improve the interactive functionality of desktop operations of your virtual machines.

What is the latest version of Open VM Tools?

The latest version of OpenVMTools that is available for RHEL 7.3 is 10.0. 5. VMware Tools 10.1. x End of General Support 2021-11-15.

How do I tell what version of VMware tools are open?

Verifying a VMware Tools build version (1003947)

  1. From the Console, run the vmware-toolbox command from terminal and click About.
  2. To determine the vmware-tools version, run the command: vmware-toolbox-cmd -v.

How does open-VM-tools work?

open-vm-tools enables the following features in VMware products: Execution of VMware provided or user configured scripts in guests during various power operations. The ability to run programs, commands and file system operation in guests to enhance guest automation. Authentication for guest operations.

How to install VMware Tools?

Power on the virtual machine.

  • Log in to the virtual machine using an account with Administrator or root privileges.
  • Wait for the desktop to load and be ready.
  • In the user interface for the VMware product, locate the Install VMware Tools menu item, which is typically found under a Virtual Machine or Guest…
  • What are open vm tools?

    Open VM Tools (open-vm-tools) is the open source implementation of VMware Tools for Linux guest operating systems. The open-vm-tools suite is bundled with some Linux operating systems and is installed as a part of the OS, eliminating the need to separately install the suite on guest operating systems.

    What is open vm?

    open-vm-tools is a set of services and modules that enable several features in VMware products for better management of, and seamless user interactions with, guests. It includes kernel modules for enhancing the performance of virtual machines running Linux or other VMware supported Unix like guest operating systems.


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