How do you keep a jejunostomy tube from clogging?

How do you keep a jejunostomy tube from clogging?

Tube flushing is the most important factor for preventing the feeding tube from clogging. Use a syringe to flush 20 mL of warm water through the feeding tube before and after feedings and medications (or as directed by your healthcare team).

When do you remove feeding from Jejunostomy tube?

Surgical Jejunostomies should be left in situ for at least 4 weeks (even if feeding has been discontinued) to allow establishment of a tract , and the dissolution of the purse-string sutures which anchor the tube. The tube should be removed by a trained practitioner by traction after removal of sutures.

Can you eat with a jejunostomy tube?

If an individual can eat by mouth safely, then he/she can eat food and supplement with tube feeding if necessary. Eating food will not cause damage to the tube, nor does having a feeding tube make it unsafe to eat.

Why do J tubes get clogged?

As many clinicians know all too well, clogged feeding tubes may result from several factors, including narrow tube diameter, insufficient water flushes, and inattention to proper medication administration.

Why do feeding tubes get clogged?

Clogs can occur when tubes are not being flushed regularly and formula or medication lingers. Routinely flush tubes with 30 mL of water every four hours, before and after medication administration, and after any interruption of enteral nutrition. Use at least a 30-mL syringe to prevent tube rupture.

Is jejunostomy permanent?

Surgical Techniques Although simple to construct, they are usually used for short-term enteral access as tubes placed through them are easily dislodged. The Roux-en-Y jejunostomy is more permanent.

Can you aspirate a jejunostomy tube?

Do not aspirate the NJT as this can cause collapse and recoil of the tube.

How do you take care of a jejunostomy?

How to Clean and Dress a Jejunostomy Tube

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water.
  2. Remove dressings or bandages on the skin.
  3. Check the skin for redness, an odor, pus, swelling, or pain.
  4. Use a clean towel or Q-tip to clean the skin around the J-tube one to three times a day – using mild soap and water.

How do you feed a jejunostomy?

A jejunostomy tube (J-tube) is a soft, plastic tube placed through the skin of the abdomen into the midsection of the small intestine. The tube delivers food and medicine until the person is healthy enough to eat by mouth.


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