Is Jsessionid secure?

Is Jsessionid secure?

By default, the JSESSIONID cookie is never secure, but the _WL_AUTHCOOKIE_JSESSIONID cookie is always secure. A secure cookie is only sent when an encrypted communication channel is in use. Assuming a standard HTTPS login (HTTPS is an encrypted HTTP connection), your browser gets both cookies.

What is session config in Web XML?

session-config The number of minutes after which sessions in this Web application expire. The value set in this element overrides the value set in the TimeoutSecs attribute of the element in the WebLogic-specific deployment descriptor weblogic.

How do I access Jsessionid?

Select the Cookies folder underneath. Within the cookies folder, select JSESSIONID….

  1. In the URL bar, click the padlock to the left of the link.
  2. In the pop up, click More Information.
  3. In the new Page Info pop up, select the padlock Security tab.
  4. Click View Cookies.
  5. In the new pop up, search for JSESSIONID in the list.

Does JSESSIONID need to be in the URL?

This will instruct the container that the client supports cookies and hence there is no need to put the JSessionId in the URL. Are you using response.encodeURL ()?

How to disable JSESSIONID in url in Tomcat?

On Tomcat 7 or any servlet specification v3 compliant server you can disable jsessionid in URL by adding following to the web.xml of your application Here’s a nasty workaround in flavor of a Filter so that you will never see the jsessionid in URL whenever the client supports cookies.

What happens when a client comes back without a JSESSIONID?

When the client comes back the second time, and presents the cookie, the server knows the jsessionid isn’t necessary, and drops it for the rest of the session. If the client comes back with no cookie, then the server needs to continue to use jsessionid rewriting.

Why do I have session IDs on some URLs?

If you used URL rewriting, you’d have session IDs on all URLs, and that’s actually recommended precisely because cookie support on the client isn’t guaranteed. The user may be employing a cookie-free browser or have instructed the browser not to use cookies.


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