How do you call a stored procedure using code first in Entity Framework?

How do you call a stored procedure using code first in Entity Framework?

To use a Stored Procedure with the Code First model, we need to override the OnModelCreating method of DBContext and add the following code to map the Stored Procedure….Now I run the migration steps.

  1. Enable Migration.
  2. Add-Migration Configuration.
  3. Update-Database.

Is it good to use stored procedures in Entity Framework?

Stored procedures handle large quantities of data much better; in fact EF has some limitations on how much data can be handled.

How can we create custom stored procedure using code first in Entity Framework Core?

Update database command creates tables and Stored Procedure and definition of the Stored Procedure are as the following:

  1. CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo]. [InsertEmployee]
  2. @Code [nvarchar](max),
  3. @Name [nvarchar](max),
  4. @DepartmentId [int]
  5. AS.
  6. BEGIN.
  7. INSERT [dbo].
  8. VALUES (@Code, @Name, @DepartmentId)

When to use stored procedure?

One of the most beneficial reasons to use stored procedures is the added layer of security that can be placed on the database from the calling application. If the user account created for the application or web site is configured with EXECUTE permissions only then the underlying tables cannot be accessed directly by the user account.

What is MVC Entity Framework?

Entity Framework In MVC – Part One. Entity framework is an ORM ( Object Relational Mapping) tool. Object Relational Mapping (ORM) is a technique of accessing a relational database; .i.e., whatever has tables and store procedure these things we interact with database in class, method and property of the object format.

What is Entity Framework model?

The Microsoft ADO.NET Entity Framework is an Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) framework that enables developers to work with relational data as domain-specific objects, eliminating the need for most of the data access plumbing code that developers usually need to write. Entity framework has a full provider model.


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