What is permissive use coverage?

What is permissive use coverage?

Permissive use in an automobile insurance policy means that you give a person—who is not specifically covered by name or as a household member—permission to drive your car. For example, if you allow a friend to borrow your car, that is permissive use.

Does insurance cover unauthorized driver?

Someone you know using your car without your permission is termed “unauthorized use” instead of theft and usually means your insurer will not pay for damages if that person is in an accident in your vehicle.

Can I use my car insurance for another car?

Does My Car Insurance Cover Me When Driving Another Vehicle? If you’re specifically listed on the car owner’s insurance policy, you’ll be covered when driving that car – even if it’s not your own. Borrowing a friend’s or family member’s car with permission while yours is being repaired.

Does progressive cover permissive use?

As long as you gave them permission to drive your car, then they should be covered. Their policy extends to your car and covers them the same way as if they were driving their own car. Damages they cause to others’ cars, property, or even injuries are covered.

Can I drive my friend’s car with my insurance?

Can I get insurance for anyone to drive my car? An any driver insurance policy allows anyone to drive your car at any time. There’s no limit to how many people can drive the car, so any friends or family, who have your permission, are legally insured to drive it.

Does State Farm have permissive use?

State Farm contends that its policy does not provide coverage to permissive users of nonowned vehicles.

What is the permissive use statute?

The “permissive use statute” provides that every vehicle owner is liable for the death or injury to a person resulting from the negligence of a person operating the vehicle with the owner’s express or implied permission. The legislative purpose is to protect the public from the careless use of automobiles.


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