What does trolled mean in slang?

What does trolled mean in slang?

A troll is Internet slang for a person who intentionally tries to instigate conflict, hostility, or arguments in an online social community. Trolls often use inflammatory messages to provoke emotional responses out of people, disrupting otherwise civil discussion.

What is the personality of a troll?

Summary: Individuals with dark triad personality traits, including narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy, combined with feeling schadenfreude, taking pleasure from the misfortune of others, are more likely to indulge in internet trolling.

What is troll in social media?

Trolls are people who leave intentionally provocative or offensive messages on the internet in order to get attention, cause trouble or upset someone.

What does trolling really mean?

Trolling is a slang term that refers to the practice of starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory or off-topic messages in an online community, with the aim of provoking an emotional response or disrupting a discussion. Trolling is a subjective issue. Some people will see a particular post as trolling, while others won’t.

What is being trolled meaning?

A troll is someone who deliberately manipulates people into being angry or upset about something. Some trolls are much more subtle than others, and some genuine comments or actions are called out as trolling attempts. Someone who posts provocative messages to cause a disruption or a debate.

What is the definition of trolling?

Trolling, in the context of the web, is the act of responding to online content or comments in a purposely disruptive fashion. The name arose as a reference to the way that online trolls try to lure victims with comments in the same way that fishers use bait and specially crafted lures to catch fish.

What does “troll” mean?

2 : a person who intentionally antagonizes others online by posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content Internet trolls In the late 1980s, Internet users adopted the word “troll” to denote someone who intentionally disrupts online communities.


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