Which is the example of multi purpose project?

Which is the example of multi purpose project?

A multipurpose project is a massive project which serves a variety of purposes like- flood control, fish breeding, irrigation, generation of electricity, soil conservation, etc. whereas, the hydropower projects are those related to providing only electricity mainly.

What are multiple multipurpose projects?

Answer : Multi-purpose projects are the projects which were constructed after the independence of India to use the water for various purposes. 1) They provide water for irrigation. 2) Dam water is used for hydroelectric plants to generate electricity. 3) Dam water is also supplied for domestic use.

Which of these is called a multi purpose project?

The hydroelectric projects serve many purposes and are therefore , called multi purpose projects. 1. They generate electricity,provide water for irrigation,check floods and soil erosion,provide facilitie for afforestation,navigation,fishing and entertainment. Example-: 1. Bhakra nangal project in Punjab.

What are the disadvantages of multipurpose projects?

Disadvantages of multipurpose projects:

  • Large dams affect the natural flow of rivers.
  • The dams on the flood plains submerge the vegetation and soil leading to its gradual decomposition.
  • It further results in floods due to the deposition of sediments in the reservoirs.

What are the three main functions of multipurpose projects?

The main functions of multi-purpose projects are:

  • to store water by linking dams and releasing it for irrigation over a long period,
  • generation of electricity,
  • development of fishing activity in water reservoirs and dams,
  • reducing the intensity of floods in the lower areas of the river,
  • checking soil erosion,

What are multi purpose projects Class 10?

A multipurpose project is a massive project which serves a variety of purposes like- flood control, fish breeding, irrigation, generation of electricity, soil conservation, etc. whereas, the hydropower projects are those related to providing only electricity mainly. The project was India’s first multipurpose project.

What is main purpose of multi purpose project?

Purposes served by multi-purpose project are as follows :i They help in generating hydro-electricity. ii They help in controlling floods. iii They provide water for irrigation. iv Multi-purpose projects are used for inland navigation and fish breeding.

What are the three main functions of multipurpose project?

Why are multipurpose projects popular?

Multipurpose river valley projects are basically designed for the development of irrigation for agriculture and electricity through the construction of dams. Initially, dams were built only for storing rain water to prevent flooding but now it became multipurpose.

What are the benefits of multi purpose scheme?

Answer: Helps in the generation of electricity. Reservoirs in multipurpose projects are used for inland navigation, Recreational activities and Fish breeding. Large dams control the flow of rivers and hence prevent floods.

What are the benefits provided by multi purpose projects?

This has substantially increased grain production. Dams supply water for domestic and industrial uses. Reservoirs in multipurpose projects are used for inland navigation, Recreational activities and Fish breeding. Large dams control the flow of rivers and hence prevent floods.

What are the main objectives of multipurpose projects?

Answer Expert Verified (i) Control floods and supply water during drought. (ii) Provide irrigation facilities. (iii) Generate electricity. (iv) Supply water for domestic and industrial uses.


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