What is crop science?

What is crop science?

Crop Science is concerned with the selection, improvement and production of crops useful to man. It addresses the planting, maintenance, protection, harvesting, storage and aspects of post-harvest handling of produce. To produce graduates that will teach agricultural science at secondary level. …

What is crop and examples?

1. 3. The definition of a crop is agricultural produce, a group of something, a short whip or a pouch on a bird to store undigested food. An example of crop is all the sunflowers a garden produces during a growing season.

What called crops?

A crop is a plant or plant product that can be grown and harvested for profit or subsistence. By use, crops fall into six categories: food crops, feed crops, fiber crops, oil crops, ornamental crops, and industrial crops. 5 – 8.

What is crop for 8th class?

What is crop production for class 8? Cultivating the same kind of plants at one place on a large scale is called crop production. And these plants are called crops. For example, the crop of wheat means that all the plants grown in a specific field are of wheat.

What is crop science in 11th?

Crop science is the study of the world’s major food, feed, turf, and fiber crops and their environment. It is a broad discipline encompassing breeding, genetics, production, and management.

What is crop science subject in 11th class?

Located at the ICAR Headquarters, the Division has 6 commodity/subject-specific technical sections, namely, (i) Food and Fodder Crops, (ii) Oilseeds and Pulses, (iii) Commercial Crops, (iv) Seeds, (v) Plant Protection, and (vi) Intellectual Property Rights.

What is the use of crop?

Made up of a wide variety of plants grown for consumption or for profit, crops can be used for food, to feed livestock, for textiles and paper, for decoration, or for fuel.

What are 3 types of crops?

The major crops can all be divided into four main categories depending on their usage.

  • Food Crops (Wheat, Maize, Rice, Millets and Pulses etc.)
  • Cash Crops (Sugarcane, Tobacco, Cotton, Jute and Oilseeds etc.)
  • Plantation Crops (Coffee, Coconut, Tea, and Rubber etc.)
  • Horticulture crops (Fruits and Vegetables)

What is types of crops?

Solved Examples for You

Kharif Crops Rabi Crops
Sowing of seeds begins in the rainy season around July Rabi seeds are sown at the beginning of autumn in November or December
Harvesting is done in September – October Harvesting happens in June – July
Examples: Rice, Maize, Bajra etc Examples: Wheat, Mustard, Peas etc

What is crop Class 9?

Crops are the plants grown on a larger land area to provide food for the growing population. The crops are grown depending upon the seasons. Kharif crops are grown in the rainy season and are known as monsoon crops, such as paddy, cotton, maize, etc. Rabi crops are winter crops such as wheat, gram, peas, etc.

What are crops Class 5?

What are crops? Answer: The plants that are grown in large quantities in a particular area of region at a particular season.

What is the importance of Crop Science?

Closely related to agronomy, the field of crop science focuses on agricultural productivity of crops for livestock and human consumption. Crop scientists often use biotechnology, chemicals and genetic modifications to maintain and improve crop production, enhance nutritional value and help crops withstand pesticides.

What does crop science mean?

crop science. Is the scientific knowledge, learning, practice and understanding of the cultivation, management, processing and production of crops and how scientific principles can be applied to each of these.

What is crop in science?

Agronomy and crop science is a branch of agriculture focused on plants, particularly food and cash crops. Professionals in this field are concerned with enhancing grain and seed nutrition, as well as increasing the amount and quality of food. They also work to improve crop and soil conditions in cost effective and environmentally sound ways.

What is crop define?

The definition of a crop is agricultural produce, a group of something, a short whip or a pouch on a bird to store undigested food. An example of crop is all the sunflowers a garden produces during a growing season. An example of crop is the new group of students entering a school.


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