What are the methodological approaches in comparative education?

What are the methodological approaches in comparative education?

In the various methods of the study of comparative education the following are noteworthy Quantitative, Descriptive, Sociological, Historical, Analytical and Synthetic.

What are the types of comparative education?

They include culture, social, economic, religions, political and philosophical issues. This includes the study of multinational institutions like international schools, international efforts to harmonize curricula, text books, and development of objectives for the purpose of creating international norms.

How selective borrowing method is used in the study of comparative education?

b) Selective education borrowing The method involves the comparison of descriptive data inform of legislative details, statistics and description which form the basis of comparison. Pioneers in the discipline used this method in the pioneer phase of comparative education.

What are the components of comparative education?

There are five perspectives that capture the scope of comparative education. These are; i) The subject matter and content; this covers the essential components of educational systems such as structure, aims, content or curriculum, administration, financing, teacher education.

What is quantitative approach to comparative education?

Quantitative Comparative Approach. When the qualitative approach is applied generally, Bryman (2004) defined it as an investigative approach that typically stressed on words as opposed to the computations involved the gathering and interpretation of information.

What are the phases of comparative education?

The historical development of comparative education can be divided into three stages. They are: descriptive stage, predictive stage and scientific stage. At the end of this unit, you should be able to explain the historical development of comparative education.

What is comparative teacher education?

Comparative research on teacher education reveals important paradoxes. Views on the knowledge, skills and dispositions that teachers need to be effective and how to acquire them are highly variable and result in significant differences in their ability to teach an increasingly complex curriculum to diverse learners.

What are the four major phases of comparative education?

They are: descriptive stage, predictive stage and scientific stage. At the end of this unit, you should be able to explain the historical development of comparative education.

What is the main scope of comparative education?

It is an area of study which compares current educational theory and practice in various countries with a view to broadening and deepening understanding of the problems of education across national boundaries.

What are the objectives and scope of comparative education?

Objectives and Scope To describe educational systems, processes, or outcomes. To assist in the development of educational institutions and practices. To highlight the relationships between education and society. To establish generalized statements about education that are valid in more than one country.

Is comparative methodology quantitative or qualitative?

Quantitative analysis is much more frequently pursued than qualitative, and this is seen by the majority of comparative studies which use quantitative data. The general method of comparing things is the same for comparative research as it is in our everyday practice of comparison.

What are uses of comparative education?

Comparative Education and Its Application. Comparative education is a research framework that uses the comparative method to explore similarities and differences in educational systems and practices, including comparing systems across regions and countries.

What are the various methods of studying comparative education?

In the various methods of the study of comparative education the following are noteworthy Quantitative, Descriptive, Sociological, Historical, Analytical and Synthetic. 1. The Quantitative of Statistical Method:

How has comparative education evolved over the years?

Starting with the simple narratives of education abroad during the phase of Travelers Tales, the methodological approaches of comparative education have progressively evolved into the current application of the sophisticated and complex methods of social sciences, which in most cases are empirically based.

What is the definition of comparative education Wilson?

1. Introduction phenomenon in the formation of two or more countries. The individuals or teams must take notice to or manage the use of research tools. They may explain the search for similarities o r differences, in reality in different areas of the nation. Wilson (2003) defines comparative education as “an

What is the historical method approach to education?

The Historical Method Approach: In this approach we study the modern educational problems. The method reveals the basis on which the modern education system is based. Knowledge gained at this point may help us in eliminating undesirable elements in the system and further strengthening of the desirable ones.


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