Who was a popular radio personality?

Who was a popular radio personality?

America’s most listened to radio host, Rush Limbaugh commands an audience that averages 15.5 million people.

What radio shows were popular during the 1930s?

~ 1930s Radio Shows ~

  • The $64 Question.
  • Abbott & Costello.
  • The Adventures of Ellery Queen.
  • The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet.
  • The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.
  • The Adventures of Sam Spade.
  • Amos ‘n’ Andy.
  • Battle of the Sexes.

What was a wireless in 1940?

The Wireless Set No. 19 was a Second World War mobile radio transceiver designed for use by armoured troops of the British Army. First introduced in 1940, the No.

Who is a good radio presenter?

Radio Presenters are the voice of the station, they create the tone and style of the station and establish a relationship for listeners. A good radio presenter knows how to captivate and engage their audience.

What music was playing 1940?

In the Developed World, Swing, Big band, Jazz, Latin and Country music dominated and defined the decade’s music. After World War II, the big band sounds of the earlier part of the decade had been gradually replaced by crooners and vocal pop.

What saved radio in the 1950s?

Branding and Diversification. During the 1950s, the radio industry balanced the need for mass audiences with increasingly diverse offerings. As news delivery and scripted entertainment came to be dominated by television, more and more specialized radio stations began to form.

Why was radio called wireless?

The wireless era In the 1840’s, telegraph networks were built on the U.S. East Coast and in California. The receiver was called a wireless because there were no wires linking to the the transmitting station. It was called radio because the transmitting station radiated electromagnetic waves.

How did the Army communicate in WW2?

Portable radio sets were provided as far down in the military echelons as the platoon. In every tank there was at least one radio and in some command tanks as many as three. Radio relay, born of the necessity for mobility, became the outstanding communication development of World War II.

What important events happened in radio broadcasting in the year 1940?

The year 1940 saw a number of significant events in radio broadcasting history. 5 January: FM radio is demonstrated for the Federal Communications Commission in the United States for the first time.

Who are some famous old-time American radio people?

List of old-time American radio people 1 Ish Kabibble 2 Mickey Katz 3 Danny Kaye 4 Evelyn Kaye 5 Joseph Kearns 6 Jackie Kelk 7 Joe Kelly 8 Pert Kelton 9 Nick Kenny 10 Ted Key

How did technology change American Society in the 1940s?

Advances in technology, including the use of radio and television for news and entertainment, forced Americans to think more about the country’s role in global affairs. The 1940s was a decade that transformed the lives of millions and set the tone for future social, political and economic reforms in the U.S.

What happened in the 1940s in the United States?

The 1940s also saw the death of the beloved Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and the fall of both Mussolini in Italy and Adolf Hitler in Germany. From the embers of the Second World War came the “Cold War” a simmering competition for world dominance between the democratic, capitalist United States and totalitarian, communist Soviet Union.


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