Which Australian state or territory had the highest population in 2013?

Which Australian state or territory had the highest population in 2013?

All states and territories experienced population growth between 2013 and 2014. New South Wales had the greatest growth (up by 109,100 people), followed by Victoria (106,700) and Queensland (70,500).

Which state in Australia has the most population?

NSW has the highest population of any state in Australia, with 8,172,500 residents as of 31 December 2020. Roughly 64.5% of the state’s population live in Greater Sydney. NSW has the fastest growing population in Australia growing by roughly 106,100 people annually.

What is the population of NSW and Victoria?

It has a total area of 800,642 km2 and covers 10.4 percent of Australia. New South Wales’ coastline is only 2137 km long… Read more about New South Wales population 2022. Victoria – Based on our research Victoria population will reach 6.38 million by the end of June 2019.

What is the population of AUS 2021?

25,739,256 people
Key statistics Australia’s population was 25,739,256 people at 30 June 2021. The quarterly growth was 34,300 people (0.1%). The annual growth was 46,000 people (0.2%). Annual natural increase was 134,800 and net overseas migration was -88,800.

What is the estimated population of Australia in 2025?

25 million
The United Nations projects an Australian population of almost 25 million by the year 2025, somewhat higher than the 23 million projected by ABS (ABS 1998a). No developed country is expected to show an increase in population numbers above 30% between 2000 and 2025.

What was the population of Sydney in 2010?

4.58 million
POPULATION CHANGE IN SYDNEY In the year to June 2010, the population of Sydney SD increased by 75,600 people to reach 4.58 million, the largest capital city population in Australia. Sydney SD represented 63% of the total state population and had the highest annual growth rate (1.7%) of any SD in NSW.

Which three states are the largest in Australia by population?

New South Wales – 7,317,500. New South Wales is the biggest state in Australia by population.

  • Victoria – 5,640,900. Victoria is the second-most populous state in Australia,accounting for about 24% of the country’s population.
  • Queensland – 4,599,400.
  • Western Australia – 2,366,900.
  • South Australia – 1,659,800.
  • Which Australian state is most populated?

    There are eight states in Australia. The most populous state is New South Wales with population of approximately 8 million people. Three largest states (NSW, Victoria and Queensland) together include 78% of total Australian population. List of all states can be found below maps.

    Which city in Australia has the largest population?

    New South Wales – New South Wales also known as NSW has the largest population in Australia. The state’s capital city is Sydney. Sydney is Australia’s most populated city with an estimated population of over 4.4 million people.

    How big is Australia compared to the US?

    Australia is around the same size as United States. United States is approximately 9,833,517 sq km, while Australia is approximately 7,741,220 sq km. This to-scale map shows a size comparison of United States compared to Australia.


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