Who makes ReSTOR lenses?

Who makes ReSTOR lenses?

Alcon Laboratories
The AcrySof® IQ ReSTOR® IOL Intraocular lens made by Alcon Laboratories (Ft. Worth, TX) is an artificial lens that is implanted in the eye during cataract or refractive surgery to replace the eye’s natural lens that has become cloudy or opaque.

What is the best IOL for cataract surgery?

Monofocal IOLs are the most basic IOL. If you wear glasses now, you will probably need to wear glasses after cataract surgery. Monofocals only correct for one distance unless the monovision technique is used, With monovision, they correct for both up close and distance vision.

How much does IOL cost?

In 2019, the average cost of refractive lens exchange with a standard monofocal IOL implant was $3,783 per eye, according to a large survey of U.S. cataract and refractive surgeons.

How long does an intraocular lens last?

IOLs have been around since the late 1940s and were the first devices to be implanted in the body. Unlike natural lenses, IOLs do not break down over a person’s lifetime and do not need to be replaced.

What are common problems with restor lenses?

The biggest ReSTOR lens problem is to end up a bit near or farsighted or have some uncorrected astigmatism. This would cause blurry vision for both far and near vision. The near vision is more sensitive to this.

How long is recovery from RLE lens implant eye surgery?

Numbing anesthetic drops are used during RLE, so typically there is no discomfort, and most people report immediate vision improvement after surgery. Initial recovery from refractive lens exchange — when you can resume normal everyday activities — usually takes about a week.

What are some problems with toric lens implants?

Use of a toric IOL during cataract surgery does not increase the risk of common cataract surgery complications, but a misaligned toric IOL can cause blurred vision that cannot easily be corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses.

Do lens implants last forever?

Does the lens implant last forever? Well, as forever as you last! By definition, refractive lens exchange replaces a misshapen or cloudy natural lens with a biocompatible lens. The new lens doesn’t disintegrate, and the old lens does not grow back. Most refractive lens exchange patients can expect the vision they obtain to outlast them.


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