Why are purebred huskies so expensive?

Why are purebred huskies so expensive?

Certification and Warranties. A breeder’s certification can also affect the price of a Siberian Husky puppy. AKC-certified breeders are more likely to put their puppies at higher prices. The high prices are mainly because the breeder is required to register every puppy with the AKC and this is not a cheap process.

How much is a husky puppy cost?

Potential Husky dog owners should expect to pay around $800 to $1500 give or take, with the average cost range of a quality puppy being from $800 to $1200 in most states. Of course, Husky puppy costs will largely depend on whether you go through a reputable breeder, a backyard breeder, or if you go to a pet store.

Are purebred Huskies rare?

White Siberian Huskies are actually quite rare. Certain Siberian Huskies have a recessive gene that makes their coat completely white. When two dogs with this gene are bred together, there is a higher chance that they will create a White Siberian Husky puppy.

How much does a purebred German shepherd cost?

Reputable breeders, when pricing their German Shepherd puppies, must factor in the expenses involved in breeding, feeding, raising, and caring for the pups as well as their mother. A reasonable price for a purebred German Shepherd puppy should be around $1200- $2000, depending on your location and the litter size.

What is the rarest type of Husky?

white Siberian Husky
The white Siberian Husky is the rarest color of Husky. While most light-colored Huskies have some brown or black markings, a true white Husky has no color besides white.

How much is a pure white Siberian Husky?

At the time of publication of this article, white husky dogs with blue eyes from reputable breeders ranges from $400 to $800. Siberian huskies are bred in standard and miniature sizes. If you are interested in a mini white husky, expect to pay between $750 and $1,200.


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