What is the synonym for illustrious?

What is the synonym for illustrious?

Some common synonyms of illustrious are celebrated, distinguished, eminent, famous, noted, notorious, and renowned.

What is an illustrious career?

An illustrious career, for example, is full of impressive achievements and celebrated contributions to society. Coming from the Latin illustris, meaning “bright, distinguished, famous,” illustrious is a powerful adjective.

What is an illustrious person?

If you describe someone as an illustrious person, you mean that they are extremely well known because they have a high position in society or they have done something impressive. the most illustrious scientists of the century. Synonyms: famous, great, noted, celebrated More Synonyms of illustrious.

What does illustrious leader mean?

adjective. highly distinguished; renowned; famous: an illustrious leader.

What is the synonym of revered?

Frequently Asked Questions About revere Some common synonyms of revere are adore, reverence, venerate, and worship. While all these words mean “to honor and admire profoundly and respectfully,” revere stresses deference and tenderness of feeling.

What is a synonym and antonym for illustrious?

illustrious. Antonyms: ignominious, disgraceful, disreputable, inglorious, infamous. Synonyms: renowned, glorious, brilliant, deathless, eminent, distinguished, celebrated, conspicuous, noble, famous.

How do you use the word illustrious?

Illustrious in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The leader of the country will recognize the illustrious scientist in a private ceremony.
  2. As a member of an illustrious family of doctors, John is considered to be one of the city’s most eligible bachelors.

What is a sentence for illustrious?

Illustrious sentence example. The family was illustrious and wealthy, and claimed descent from Constantine. Then Deioces, son of Phraortes, an illustrious man of upright character, was chosen judge in his village, and the justness of his decisions induced the inhabitants of the other villages to throng to him.

Is Illustriousness a word?

A position of exalted widely recognized importance: distinction, eminence, eminency, fame, glory, luster, mark, notability, note, preeminence, prestige, prominence, prominency, renown.

What is the synonym of Gallop?

verb. 1’the horse galloped away’ race, canter, run, rush, dash, tear, sprint, bolt, fly, shoot, dart, hurry, hasten, speed, streak, hurtle, career, hare, scamper, scurry, scud, go like lighting, go like the wind. lope, prance, frisk. informal zoom, pelt, scoot, hotfoot it, belt, zip, whip, go like a bat out of hell.


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