What is a 6404 form?

What is a 6404 form?

A: A certificate of need or 6404 is a legal document used in the involuntary commitment process for. individuals posing an immediate substantial likelihood of serious harm due to mental illness or serious emotional disturbance based on the face to face examination of the person by a qualified professional.

How do you involuntarily commit someone in Tennessee?

In Tennessee, law enforcement, doctors and crisis responders can involuntarily commit someone posing an immediate threat without a court order….A crisis responder will come in person or via telehealth to provide:

  1. An assessment.
  2. A referral for additional services or treatment.
  3. Stabilization of symptoms.
  4. Follow-up check-in.

How long can you be involuntarily committed in TN?

Finding of probable cause — Involuntary commitment for care for up to fifteen (15) days.

What is a 6401 form in Tennessee?

Tennessee Title 33, Chapter 6, Part 4 is the legal code for the legal documentation “6401” is a term used to describe the form needed for emergency detention for immediate examination for emergency admission. One person completes this. “6404” is a term used to describe the certificates of need for emergency involuntary admission.

What is a certificate of need 6404?

A: A certificate of need or 6404 is a legal document used in the involuntary commitment process for individuals posing an immediate substantial likelihood of serious harm due to mental illness or serious emotional disturbance based on the face to face examination of the person by a qualified professional.

When should the 6401 process be used?

2) What is a 6401? A: A process used to detain an individual for mental health examination. 3) When should the 6401 process be used? A: When an individual is posing an immediate substantial likelihood of serious harm due to mental illness or serious emotional disturbance and needs to be detained until examination can occur.


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