How do I open a bzip2 file in Linux?

How do I open a bzip2 file in Linux?

bz2 file on a Linux or Unix-like systems using command line options? You can decompress . bz2, . bz..tar command options:

  1. -j : Call bzip2 to decompress file.
  2. -x : Extract file.
  3. -v : Verbose mode.
  4. -f : Archive name.

How do I compress with bzip2?

How to Use “bzip2” to Compress Files in Linux. Important: By default, bzip2 deletes the input files during compression or decompression, to keep the input files, use the -k or –keep option. In addition, the -f or –force flag will force bzip2 to overwrite an existing output file.

What is Bunzip command?

This article explains how to use the Linux bunzip2 command, which is a block-sorting file compressor that can be used to both compress and decompress data. When you execute the bzip2 command without any options, the system compresses the data by default.

How do I Unzar a bz2 file in Linux?


  1. Type at the command prompt tar xzf file.tar.gz- to uncompress a gzip tar file (.tgz or .tar.gz) tar xjf file. tar. bz2 – to uncompress a bzip2 tar file (. tbz or . tar. bz2) to extract the contents.
  2. The files will be extracted in the current folder (most of the times in a folder with the name ‘file-1.0’).

What does bzip2 do in Linux?

bzip2 command in Linux is used to compress and decompress the files i.e. it helps in binding the files into a single file which takes less storage space as the original file use to take. It has a slower decompression time and higher memory use.

How do I compress a bzip2 file in Linux?

Modify how bzip2 works through command options:

  1. -f: Force compression even if the file is already in BZ2 format.
  2. -k: Keep the original file as well as the compressed archive.
  3. -s: Reduce the system memory allocated to the compression job, thereby extended the time it takes for the compression to complete.

Which command is used to change the directory?

cd command
The cd command, also known as chdir (change directory), is a command-line shell command used to change the current working directory in various operating systems. It can be used in shell scripts and batch files.


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