What did the free silver movement do?

What did the free silver movement do?

Bryan wanted the United States to use silver to back the dollar at a value that would inflate the prices farmers received for their crops, easing their debt burden. This position was known as the Free Silver Movement.

What was the Free Silver Party?

The Silver Party was a political party in the United States active from 1892 until 1911 and most successful in Nevada which supported a platform of bimetallism and free silver.

What was the free silver issue of the 1890’s?

Free silver proponents came to believe in the 1890s that unlimited coinage of silver, a reform less extreme than others that agrarian radicals earlier had supported, could unite divergent groups into a national coalition to challenge politicians who supported monied interests.

Did William Jennings Bryan support Bimetallism?

The Cross of Gold speech was delivered by William Jennings Bryan, a former United States Representative from Nebraska, at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on July 9, 1896. In the address, Bryan supported bimetallism or “free silver”, which he believed would bring the nation prosperity.

Who does free silver benefit?

Supporters of free silver included owners of silver mines in the West, farmers who believed that an expanded currency would increase the price of their crops, and debtors who hoped it would enable them to pay their debts more easily.

What was free silver Apush?

A major policy issue in the late 19th century, advoicates for free silver wanted an inflation in monetary policy using the free coinage of silver. Free Silver supporters were opposed by supporters of the Gold Standard (silverites), which was less inflationary.

Who supported the Free Silver movement?

But after the 1896 defeat of William Jennings Bryan, the Democratic presidential candidate who had supported the Free Silver Movement, the United States government adopted the gold standard.

What does free silver mean?

Definition of free silver. 1 : the free coinage of silver often at a fixed ratio with gold. 2 : the advocacy of or political philosophy favoring free silver.

What is the Silver Rights Movement?

The Silver Rights Movement is an American success story about African-American entrepreneurship in the city of Durham , North Carolina. A story that spans over 100 years, this documentary uses the history of black enterprise in Durham as a tool to explore and interpret the future of black business development today.


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