What protein does bli-1 code for?
What protein does bli-1 code for?
The bli-1 and bli-2 genes encode collagens involved in strut assembly.
What does the BLI-1 gene code for?
[Main specialists: Jim Kramer and Iain Johnstone][Wormbase] The bli-1 gene encodes an unusual cuticular collagen that is required for proper strut formation within the unique medial layer of the adult cuticle; bli-1 interacts genetically with other cuticular collagens such as bli-2 and rol-1, and may be processed for …
Where does BLI-1 localize to?
BLI-1 and BLI-2 localize to cuticle puncta likely corresponding to struts, consistent with earlier findings from the Kramer lab on BLI-1, whereas BLI-6::GFP appears to localize to cortical and basal layers of the cuticle.
What is the Dpy 11 relative in humans?
Homologs of the dpy-11 gene: The dpy-11 gene is conserved in human, chimpanzee, Rhesus monkey, dog, cow, mouse, rat, zebrafish, fruit fly, mosquito, and frog.
What protein does Dpy 13 code for?
dpy-13: a nematode collagen gene that affects body shape. Cell.
What is the morphological difference between N2 and Dpy 5 worms?
The dpy-‐5 worms are, on average, half the length of the N2 worms, with a “chubbier” body and slower movements. They also have a smaller brood size, and their development from L1 (the first larvae stage) to adulthood is delayed by as much as 12 hours (Thacker et al. 2006).
What human protein is most related to C elegans Dpy-11?
AceView gene TXNDC1
The closest human gene, according to BlastP, is the AceView gene TXNDC1 (e=2 10-55).
What does Dpy stand for gene?
protein disulfide oxidoreductase activity Source: WormBase. “A novel thioredoxin-like protein encoded by the C. elegans dpy-11 gene is required for body and sensory organ morphogenesis.”
What is the C elegans cuticle?
The cuticle of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans forms the barrier between the animal and its environment. In addition to being a protective layer, it is an exoskeleton which is important in maintaining and defining the normal shape of the nematode.
What is the function of the earthworm’s cuticle?
The worm’s skin is protected by a thin cuticle and kept moist by a slimy mucus. This lets it absorb the oxygen it needs and expel carbon dioxide. If a worm is dried up by the sun, it will die because the exchange of gases can’t take place.
What type of protein does Dpy-11 code for is it an enzyme How can you tell?
thioredoxin- like
[Wormbase] dpy-11 encodes a membrane- associated thioredoxin- like (TRX) protein that affects body shape and ray morphology; the TRX domain displays catalytic activity in vitro, and dpy-11 is expressed in cytoplasm of hypodermis.
Where is Dpy-11 found in the cell?
the hypodermis
The DPY-11 protein is made exclusively in the hypodermis and resides in the cytoplasmic compartment.