Will there be a new Sith Lord?

Will there be a new Sith Lord?

Disney has added a new Sith Lord named Darth Momin to its Star Wars canon. If you’re a fan of the Darth Vader comics series, you would have at least seen Darth Sidious mention an individual named Momin who was a Sith Lord. According to Palpatine, Momin’s Force techniques were considered extreme even for the Sith.

Who is the current Sith Lord?


Emblem of the Sith Order
Universe Star Wars
Leader Darth Bane (until c. 1022 BBY) Darth Plagueis (until 32 BBY) Darth Sidious (32 BBY – 35 ABY)

Was Jar Jar planned to be a Sith?

He intended Jar Jar to appeal to children, and as such it’s highly doubtful that he’d have written the character as a secret Dark Lord of the Sith. The truth is that Jar Jar wasn’t Palpatine’s ally or even master; he was the Sith Lord’s patsy.

Are the Sith wiped out?

They are a duality — two sides of the same coin — a Sith born in a Jedi family and a Jedi born to a Sith lord. But the end of the movie calls a lot of this into question. Darth Sidious, aka Emperor Palpatine, awaits Rey on the hidden Sith planet. The act kills her, while the stands collapse and the Sith are destroyed.

What is the new Sith Empire?

The New Sith, also known as the New Sith Empire or simply the Sith Empire, was a revived faction of the Sith Order that existed throughout the millennia-long Draggulch Period. The faction arose in 2000 BBY due to the machinations of Darth Ruin, a Jedi Master who initiated the Fourth Great Schism of the Jedi Order, becoming a Dark Lord of the Sith.

Who is the Dark Lord of the Sith?

Declaring himself a Dark Lord of the Sith, Ruin drove his followers to wage war against the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic, founding a new empire of the Sith and initiating a conflict known as the New Sith Wars.

What happened to the Sith after the galactic war?

For centuries up to this point, the Sith were commonly believed to have been vanquished, having been inactive since the reign of the reconstituted Sith Empire from the time of the Great Galactic War. The Sith would eventually return, however, due to the machinations of a Jedi Master known as Phanius.


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