What do Falun Gong practitioners believe?

What do Falun Gong practitioners believe?

Falun Gong aspires to enable the practitioner to ascend spiritually through moral rectitude and the practice of a set of exercises and meditation. The three stated tenets of the belief are Truthfulness (真, Zhēn), Compassion (善, Shàn), and Forbearance (忍, Rěn).

What is the difference between Falun Gong and Falun Dafa?

Falun Gong, (Chinese: “Discipline of the Dharma Wheel”) also spelled Falungong, also called Falun Dafa, controversial Chinese spiritual movement founded by Li Hongzhi in 1992. The movement’s sudden prominence in the late 1990s became a concern to the Chinese government, which branded it a “heretical cult.”

Does Falun Gong believe in reincarnation?

Falun Gong teaches that the spirit is locked in the cycle of rebirth, also known as samsara due to the accumulation of karma.

What is the Falun Gong religion?

Falun Gong, which means “law wheel practice” in Chinese, is a set of meditation exercises and texts that preach the virtues of truth, benevolence and forbearance. It was founded in north-east China in 1992 by Li Hongzhi, a former trumpet player.

Is Qigong the same as Falun Gong?

Falun Gong is purposefully different from qigong and t’ai chi. With qigong, all movement is precise. T’ai chi is deliberately slow and methodic to maximize the flow of qi, or chi, loosely defined as vital energy, the core concept of qigong. Falun Gong practitioners don’t worry about precision.

What religion is not allowed in China?

Religions that are not permitted to exist in China like the Falun Gong or Jehovah’s witnesses are not protected by the constitution. Religious groups that are not registered by the government, like Catholics who are part of an underground church or Protestant house churches, are not protected by the constitution.

What is Falun Dafa (Falun Gong)?

“Falun Dafa (the teachings, as distinct from Falun Gong, which is a set of five exercises) is to cultivate a Falun – a golden-colored entity – which resides in one’s gut absorbing energy from parallel universes, thereby making body invincible to disease. From a Christian perspective, this ‘Falun’ seems like an evil spirit masquerading.

Should Falun Gong practitioners enjoy freedom of religion?

Falun Gong is a false religion and their converts should enjoy freedom of religion. Other Eastern religions and communism are the ones who are persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Falun Gong practitioners should thank Christians for their freedom in the west.

What is Li Hongzhi’s Falun?

It was founded in 1992 in China by Li Hongzhi who has tens of millions of followers. He purportedly has supernatural powers. As Li Hongzhi has always boasted, he has some serious falun that allows him to walk through walls and perform magic supposedly.

Is the Zhuan Falun a Bible?

Yes, the Zhuan Falun (their Bible) is merely a collection of 9 “divine essays” (lectures) penned by Master Li Hongzhi since 1992 AD. Of course, Master Li Hongzhi holds the copyright to these divine writings. How does the individual fit into Falun Gong?


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