What are the 9 polygons?

What are the 9 polygons?

A nine sided shape is a polygon called a nonagon. It has nine straight sides that meet at nine corners. The word nonagon comes from the Latin word “nona”, meaning nine, and “gon”, meaning sides. So it literally means “nine sided shape”.

How is a polygon shape?

A polygon is a flat two-dimensional shape with straight sides that are fully closed. The sides must be straight, not curved. However, polygons can have any number of sides. This is because a polygon has many different angles and corners within its shape.

What is polygon and types of polygon?

A polygon is any 2-dimensional shape formed with straight lines. Triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, and hexagons are all examples of polygons. The name tells you how many sides the shape has. For example, a triangle has three sides, and a quadrilateral has four sides.

Which is the smallest polygon?

The smallest possible polygon in a Euclidean geometry or “flat geometry” is the triangle, but on a sphere, there can be a digon and a henagon. If the edges (lines of the polygon) do not intersect (cross each other), the polygon is called simple, otherwise it is complex.

What is a polygon with 11 sides called?

In geometry, a hendecagon (also undecagon or endecagon) or 11-gon is an eleven-sided polygon. (The name hendecagon, from Greek hendeka “eleven” and –gon “corner”, is often preferred to the hybrid undecagon, whose first part is formed from Latin undecim “eleven”.)

How many sides is Pentagon?

five sides

An equilateral pentagon, i.e. a pentagon whose five sides all have the same length
Edges and vertices 5
Internal angle (degrees) 108° (if equiangular, including regular)

What are the types of Polygon?

Polygons are of two types: Regular and irregular polygon. If all the sides and angles of a polygon are equal, then the polygon is called a regular polygon, otherwise it is called an irregular polygon.

What are three characteristics of a polygon?

A polygon is any shape made up of straight lines that can be drawn on a flat surface, like a piece of paper. Such shapes include squares, rectangles, triangles and pentagons but not circles or any other shape that includes a curve. Any other polygon is an irregular polygon, which by definition has unequal length sides and unequal angles between sides.

What are some examples of polygons?

A polygon is any 2-dimensional shape formed with straight lines. Triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, and hexagons are all examples of polygons. The name tells you how many sides the shape has.

What are the types of polygons?

The different types of polygons include convex, concave, regular, irregular, simple or complex. Polygons will have half of these qualities.


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