Can hatchet fish live alone?

Can hatchet fish live alone?

They live in groups and spend almost all of their time at the water surface, feeding on crustaceans and insects.

How many hatchet fish should I get?

Silver hatchetfish should be kept in groups of at least six. If they aren’t, they will often become highly stressed, and can even become ill. A group of six hatchetfish should be viewed as the bare minimum number required, and they only really thrive when kept in larger groups.

Can bettas live with hatchet fish?

On some websites, they are highly recommended as tankmates and on others, they are not recommended at all. The betta is quite relaxed and non-aggressive and all the fishes seem to get along. I would like a top-level swimming fish and the hatchetfish seems to be the best choice.

How big do hatchets grow?

Size. When fully grown, freshwater hatchetfish range in size from 1 inch up to 2 1/2 inches. One exception is the Giant Hatchetfish Thoracocharax securis which can grow up to 3 1/2 inches. The smallest being the Dwarf Hatchetfish Carnegiella schereri which only grows to about 1 inch.

How big do freshwater Hatchetfish get?

The Common Hatchetfish is larger than the Silver Hatchetfish, reaching a size of about 2.5 inches (6.5 cm). In addition to being larger, they are less timid than the Silver Hatchetfish.

How long do hatchet fish live for?

around five years
Typical lifespan in captivity is around five years, but can live longer. They come from streams in a tropical climate and prefer water at pH 6–7, a water hardness of up to 15.0 dGH, and an ideal temperature range of (23-27 °C (73-81 °F) .

Can Black Molly live with Betta?

If you plan on having mollies in your tank you should remember that they can grow up to an inch bigger than your betta. They need to live with other mollies or they will become stressed. So a 20 gallon tank is the best option to give your betta and mollies plenty of room.

Are Hatchetfish peaceful?

The peaceful Common Hatchetfish makes a better community tank mate than Silver Hatchetfish since the Common is not as shy as the Silver, so they won’t get stressed out by having other species sharing their space.


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