What is the characterization Of Mice and Men?

What is the characterization Of Mice and Men?

Through his masterful use of characterization, Steinbeck presents the story of George and Lennie, two migrant farm workers in Depression-era California. George is intelligent and hard-working but uneducated, while Lennie is big and strong but possesses limited mental capacity.

How is Curley’s personality described?

Curley is a very aggressive and violent character. He is the Boss’s son and takes advantage of the power that he has over the other men on the ranch to treat them cruelly and pick fights. He is physically small and so is resentful of bigger men and picks a fight with Lennie because of this.

Was George justified in killing Lennie at the end of the story or should Lennie have lived?

George killing Lennie was justified because had to think about Lennie’s life ahead if he didn ‘t make this choice. George making this choice was right because Lennie had unknowingly brought a threat among people, Lennie had died much quicker and painless, and Lennie was basically George’s responsibility.

How is Curley’s wife described physically?

Appearance. Curley’s wife is a beautiful young woman with long black hair and full red lips. She often wears a simple dress and red shoes with little ostrich feathers on them.

What are George and Lennie’s last names?

Lennie’s last name is Small. The last name is an ironic one because Lennie is a towering figure who dwarfs most of the people he meets.

How is the gun explained in Of Mice and Men?

The gun used to kill Candy’s dog and Lennie in Of Mice and Men represents the power the system has over the lives of the workers.

What are names of two main characters in of mice and men?

Lennie and George are the two main characters in Of Mice and Men, but there is a cast of “minor” characters as well. These characters include Candy, Curley, Crooks, and Slim.

What do the characters represent in of mice and men?

Characters as archetypes While Of Mice and Men occurs in a very specific time and place, each of the characters can be thought of as symbolizing broader populations. Though the book is not an allegory, and each character can stand alone as simply a character, there’s still something to be gained by looking at each character as representative of their larger group.

Which character changed the most in of mice and men?

Lennie is one of the most important characters in Of Mice and Men, but he is also one of the least dynamic. Unlike the other characters, Lennie never changes. He has a simple outlook on life and lacks the ability to make connections between his actions and the results.

What are the characteristics of mice and men?

The characteristics of mice are simple and feebleminded. A mouse is helpless, timid and oblivious. Few characters in Steinbeck ’s Of Mice and Men possess such characteristics. Throughout the novel, Lennie exhibits the qualities associated with mice.


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