How Share NFS on AIX?

How Share NFS on AIX?

Exporting and Mounting Directories via NFS for AIX

  1. Take the backup of the exports file:
  2. Create an entry for each directory to be exported, using the full path name of the directory:
  3. Read the /etc/exports file and export all the directories listed:
  4. Confirm the exported directory listed:

How do I export NFS in AIX?

Exporting and Mounting Directories via NFS for AIX

  1. To export an NFS filesystem, do the following steps: Take the backup of the exports file: cp -p /etc/exports /etc/exports_bak.
  2. Mounting the NFS filesystem on the client: Verify if the NFS server has exported the directory. showmount -e

How do I start a service in AIX?

Services on AIX

  1. To make a new service: mkssys -s NAME -p PATH -u UID -S -n15 -f9 -a ‘COMMAND ARGS’
  2. To start the service: startsrc -s NAME.
  3. To stop the service: stopsrc -s NAME.
  4. To delete the service: rmssys -s NAME.
  5. To automatically start the service at boot-time. Add a line like this to /etc/inittab:

How mount NFS from AIX to Linux?


  1. Add an entry in the /etc/hosts for the Linux box, if it is not already there.
  2. Run the showmount command to check if AIX can see the exported file system.
  3. Create a directory to mount the NFS.
  4. Run the mount command to mount the exported NFS.

Where is fstab in AIX?

4.3 BSD systems store lists of block devices and mount points in the /etc/fstab file. SVR4 systems store block devices and mount point information in /etc/vfstab file. AIX® stores block device and mount points information in /etc/filesystems file.

How do I start Nfsrgyd in AIX?


  1. The nfsrgyd daemon is started from the /etc/rc.nfs file.
  2. To change the parameters passed to the nfsrgyd daemon using the chssys command, enter: chssys -s nfsrgyd -a “-T 360”

How do I find FS in AIX?

At boot time, AIX® attempts to check all the file systems listed in /etc/filesystems with the check=true attribute by running the fsck command.

What is ETC exports in AIX?

The /etc/exports file indicates all directories that a server exports to its clients. The third entry in this example specifies that any client can mount the /var/tmp directory. …

What is the full form of NFS?

The full form of NFS is Network File System What are the full forms of NFS in Computing? Network File System | Need for Speed What are the full forms of NFS in Worldwide?

What is the difference between the NFS and Samba servers?

1. NFS is a protocol that allows a user to access files over a network; Samba is essentially a re-imaging of the Common Internet File System. 2. NFS has four versions, the newest of which includes a stateful protocol; Samba has multiple versions, the latest of which allows file and print sharing between multiple computers.

How to check NFS mount?

How to check if a nfs mountpoint is mounted; Resolution. Run the following commands : # mount -l | grep nfs Another way to check the mounted NFS filesystems is : # cat /proc/mounts | grep nfs nfsstat command can be used to get more information of the mountpoints. If no NFS filesystem is mounted the following message will be given :

Why is NFS used in Linux?

NFS is Network File system. It is a file system used for sharing of files over a network. Other resources like printers and storage devices can also be shared. This means that using NFS files can be accessed remotely. Nfs command in linux can be used to achieve this.


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