How was life different for house slaves vs field slaves?

How was life different for house slaves vs field slaves?

House slaves usually lived better than field slaves. They usually had better food and were sometimes given the family’s cast-off clothing. Their living accommodation was also better than those of other slaves. In some cases the slaves were treated like the slave-owners children.

What is the difference between city slaves and plantation slaves?

While most slaves were concentrated on the plantations, there were many slaves living in urban areas or working in rural industry. Sometimes slaves were allowed to hire themselves out. Urban slaves had more freedom of movement than plantation slaves and generally had greater opportunities for learning.

Why were plantations so successful?

Tobacco and cotton proved to be exceptionally profitable. Because these crops required large areas of land, the plantations grew in size, and in turn, more slaves were required to work on the plantations. Thus, the wealthy landowners got wealthier, and the use of slave labor increased.

What did the field slaves do?

Field hands were slaves who labored in the plantation fields. They commonly were used to plant, tend, and harvest cotton, sugar, rice, and tobacco.

What did field slaves do?

What were the differences in slavery between the city and the plantation according to Douglass?

Slaves in the city enjoy relatively greater freedom than plantation slaves. Urban slave owners are careful not to appear cruel or neglectful to slaves in the eyes of non‑slaveholding whites.

What was the effect of slavery based agricultural economy?

Although slavery was highly profitable, it had a negative impact on the southern economy. It impeded the development of industry and cities and contributed to high debts, soil exhaustion, and a lack of technological innovation.

What was life like for slaves who worked in the fields?

Life on the fields meant working sunup to sundown six days a week and having food sometimes not suitable for an animal to eat. Plantation slaves lived in small shacks with a dirt floor and little or no furniture. Life on large plantations with a cruel overseer was oftentimes the worst.

How did slavery affect African society?

The slave trade had devastating effects in Africa. Economic incentives for warlords and tribes to engage in the slave trade promoted an atmosphere of lawlessness and violence. Depopulation and a continuing fear of captivity made economic and agricultural development almost impossible throughout much of western Africa.

How did slavery affect life in the American colonies?

Slavery was more than a labor system; it also influenced every aspect of colonial thought and culture. The uneven relationship it engendered gave white colonists an exaggerated sense of their own status. African slavery provided white colonists with a shared racial bond and identity.


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